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पेरणी करणारा, कविता 2-2) The Sower


(i) Make a list of words related to agriculture.

(ii) Discuss the activities carried out by a farmer.


• (i) In our country engineering, teaching and medical fields are much sought 

after. Other professions, occupations though they make a significant 

contribution to the society, do not get their due.

 (a) Farmer highly unpredictable economic gains

 (b) Conservancy workers




(ii) 'Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy'. Fill in the boxes 

supporting this statement. Complete the following web diagram.

Agriculture -the 

back-bone of India

Victor Hugo: Poet, novelist and dramatist of the 19th century  was the most important of the French Romantic writers. Though  regarded in France as one of the country's greatest poets, he is  better known for novels as ''Notre-Dame de Paris''(1831) and "Les "Miserables (1862).: A Bengali poet, also known as Toru, wrote in  English and French, was born on 4th March 1856 in Kolkata.  She is considered to be‘The first Indian poetess’ to write verses  in English and French. She translated dozens of poems and  completed a novel before her death at the age of 21. Her poems  such as ‘Seeta’, ‘Lotus’ and ‘Our Casuarina Tree’ are well-loved.

‘The Sower’ is a translation of Victor Hugo's poem, Saison des :Semailles Le Soir. It is translated by Toru Dutt from French to .English ‘The Sower’ is a poem about a farmer who is sowing .seeds He has seen many bad harvests in his life. However he is  so optimistic of having a good harvest every time he tosses grain. 

The Sower

Sitting in a porchway cool,

Sunlight, I see, dying fast,

Twilight hastens on to rule.

Working hours have well-nigh past.

Shadows run across the lands:

But a sower lingers still,

Old, in rags, he patient stands.

Looking on, I feel a thrill.

Black and high, his silhouette

Dominates the furrows deep!

Now to sow the task is set.

Soon shall come a time to reap.

Marches he along the plain

To and fro, and scatters wide

From his hands the precious grain;

Muse I, as I see him stride.

Darkness deepens. Fades the light.

Now his gestures to mine eyes

Are august; and strange; his height

Seems to touch the starry skies.

- Toru Dutt

porchway - a veranda or covered shelter in front of a building

Twilight hastens on to rule. Explain in your own words.

well-nigh - almost but not completely or exactly, 

just about sower - The person who aims plants the seed

lingers - hangs around, remains

silhouette - shape, outline of someone against a brighter background

furrows- line, trench, channel.

The word ‘Marches’ suggests...

muse - rest in thought, reflect

stride - to walk with long steps

august - noble, dignified, impressive


(A1) There are a number of challenges a farmer in India faces. Discuss with 

your friend, how it is possible to improve the condition of farmers.

Sr.No. Challenges Solutions

1. Water Scarcity Rain Water Harvesting

2. Credit and In-debtedness 

3. Land Issues

4. Climatic changes

5. Social Groups

6. Lack of advanced 


7. Diversification

8. Market Risks

(A2) The poet has observed the sower closely. Express in your own words the 

reverence the poet has for the sower.

(A3) The poet is prompted to call the sower an ‘august personality’ which means 

one who has reached the highest position in his work place. 

 Explain this using the following points.

• Hard work • Perseverance • Dedication 

(A4) (i) Pick out the examples of alliteration from the poem and write them down.

1)Darkness deepens. Fades the light. 2)Seems to touch the starry skies. 3)Dominates the furrows deep!  4)Working hours have well-nigh past.

(ii) 'Seems to touch the starry skies'. The poet has used word imagery. Describe 

the idea and pick out other similar examples from the poem.

(A5) (i) Write an appreciation of the poem considering the following points:

 • About the poem/poet/title.

 • Theme

 • Poetic devices, language, style

 • Special features/ novelties/focussing elements

 • Values, message 

 • Your opinion about the poem

(ii) Write a summary of the poem using the following points:

 • Title

 • Introductory paragraph (about the poem, type, nature, tone)Main body (central idea, gist of the poem)

 • Conclusion (opinion, views, appeal)

(iii) Compose a poem on a farmer in 4 to 6 lines in continuation of the 


 He sweats 

 He does not fret 

 He sows 

 To the soil he bows 

(A6) Imagine that you are a farmer from a drought prone area. Write a letter 

to a newspaper editor, discuss the problems and suggest possible solutions.

(A7) Agricultural is the principal occupation in Maharashtra that has many 

career opportunities.

 (a) Agriculture Correspondent (b) Marketing Communications 


 (c) Agricultural Policy Analyst (d) Farm Management 

 (e) Soil Conservationist (f) Scientist- Krishi Vigyan Kendra 

 (g) Machine Design Engineer (h) Zoologist

 (i) Veterinarian (j) Food Microbiologist

 (k) Horticulturist (l) Agricultural Economics

 Write in brief about the various career opportunities given above. You can 

collect the information from the following universities. 

 1. Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur.

 2. Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Pune.

 3. Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola.

(A8) Project:

 Visit your college library or through web quest collect information on 

‘Green Revolution’ and ‘White Revolution’ in our country.


Click below for more posts


1-1Being neighbourly

1-2 On to the summit we reach the top

1-3The call of the soil

1-4Pillars of democracy

1-5Mrs adis

1-6Tiger hills

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