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पैसा 2-6) Money


 Discuss in the class about 'Importance of money.'

(a) Money is used as capital in business.




 Complete the web.

Money spent 


Donation for the 

poor and needy

 Make a list of the good qualities of your friend.





Share your views on 'Money is the root of all evils'.

 Do you lend money to your friend? Give reasons.

Yes No

William H. Davies (1871 to 1940) William H. Davies was a Welsh poet and writer. He spent a significant part of his life as a tramp or hobo in the United Kingdom and the United States. He became a peddler and street singer in England. 

After several years of a wandering life, he published his first volume, ‘The Soul’s Destroyer and other Poems ’.The poem tells us about the rich man who wants to be a poor man to find the real happiness. It is when we do not have money or have lost our money, we realize how important the money is. At the end, the poet says that now he doesn’t have money, he has true friends though they may be few.

trumpet : a brass musical 


hum : sing with closed lips

Poor ones laugh 



When I had money, money, O!

I knew no joy till I went poor;

For many a false man as a friend

Came knocking all day at my door.

Then felt I like a child that holds

A trumpet that he must not blow

Because a man is dead; I dared

Not speak to let this false world know.

Much have I thought of life, and seen

How poor men’s hearts are ever light;

And how their wives do hum like bees

About their work from morn till night.

So, when I hear these poor ones laugh,

And see the rich ones coldly frown

Poor men, think I, need not go up

So much as rich men should come down.

When I had money, money, O!

My many friends proved all untrue;

But now I have no money, O!

My friends are real, though very few.

- William H. Davies


(A1) (i) 'Money does not mean everything in life'. Discuss with your partner and 

justify the statement by giving examples. Take help of the following points.

(a) Money cannot give you eternal happiness.

(b) Art, music and literature can give you unending happiness.

(c) Money is short-lived.

(d) Money cannot purchase happiness and contentment.

(ii) Debate on the following topic in groups.

Money is the solution for everything.

(A2) (i) State whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the False statements with the help of the poem.

(a) The poet knew no joy till he was rich.

(b) The poet felt that he should talk about his poverty.

(c) When poet had money, he had many true friends.

(d) When poet became poor he had a few real friends.

(ii) Write reasons for the following statements.

(a) Friends came knocking all day at the poet’s door.

(b) Poor men’s wives hum like bees.

(iii) Money makes the world go round. Explain it in the light of the poet'sexperience.

(iv) Poor men need not go up so much as rich men should come down. Expressyour views regarding this statement.

(A3) (i) Find out meanings of the phrases given below and use them in your own sentences.

(a) be in the money (b) win lots of money

(c) for my money (d) money for old rope

(e) put one's money where one's mouth is

(ii) Complete the crossword with the help of the clues from the poem.

1 5 8 6 9Across Down

(1) A brass musical instrument 

(2) A low steady continuous sound 

(3) False 

(4) Say Something 

(5) Not imaginary

(6) Ponder 

(7) Stinging insects

(8) In large number

(9) Strike a surface noisily

(A4) (i) Complete the following table.

Sr. No. Figure of speech Line of the poem Explanation

1. Inversion

2. Simile

3. Repetition

4. Onomotopoeia

5. Antithesis

(ii) Identify the rhyme scheme of all the stanzas of the poem.

(iii) Compose a short poem on 'Friendship'.

(A5) Write an appreciation of the poem. Refer to the earlier poems for the

points to be covered for appreciation.

(A6) (i) Visit a library and read a few poems written by William H. Davies.

(ii) There are many career opportunities related to finance and planning. Try

to get information about the following careers by surfing the internet.

(a) Finance Management

(b) Banking and Finance

(c) Actuaries

(d) Economics

(e) Share Market

(f) Accountancy

(g) Company Secretary

(iii) Economics is a very important subject in which you can pursue your

career. Browse the websites of these institutions and get information for

various courses in Economics.

(a) Delhi School of Economics

(b) Indian Statistical Institute

(c) Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune

(d) Madras School of Economics

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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

