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अलंकार Figure of speech- ‘father returning home’


Figure of speech
       father returning home’


    1) find out an example of Transferred Epithet from the poem

Answer -  Fade homeward through the humid monsoon night

Transferred Epithet - explanation in the given line an adjective’ humid ‘ transferred from weather to the night . weather is humid not the night.


 2) Name and explain the figure of speech in the given line and find out the same from the poem

 My father travels on the late evening train

 Answer -Alliteration- in this line the sound ’ t ‘ is repeated to create musical effect in the poem.

 example- his shirt and pants are soggy


3) Find out an example of paradox from the poem

 Answer - suburbs slide past his unseeing eyes

 In this line eyes are described as unseen and it is unbelievable or absurd.


4) Name and explain the figure of speech in the given line

     He hurries across the length of the grey platform

 Answer= Metaphor- in the above line the grey platform is indirectly compared with old age of  poet’s father.


5) Home again I see him drinking weak tea

  name and explain the figure of speech in the above line

 Answer- transferred epithet in the above line an adjective week is transferred from person to tea.


6) Find out two examples of Alliteration

Answer – a) man’s estrangement from a man made world

              b) crosses the railway line enters the lane


7) Home again I see him drinking weak tea eating a stale chapati reading a book.

    find out figure of speech and explain .

 Answer- Synecdoche- in the above line stale chapati stands for stale food . the part (chapati) symbolises the whole(food).


8) Find out an example of personification and explain it.

Answer -   the cold water running over he is brown hands.

 personification =in the above line the water is given the human quality that is to run so the figure of speech is personification.


9)Find out an example of Onomatopoeia .

  Answer- listening to the static on the radio .

onomatopoeia -in this line the word static represents the sound so the figure of speech is Onomatopoeia.


10) Find out an example of Repetition from the poem.

 Answer -his shirt and pants are soggy  and his black raincoat stained with mud and his bag stuffed with books.

 explanation- in the above line the word  ‘his’ is repeated three times ,the figure of speech is Repetition

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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

