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Grammar 1- Change the voice कर्मणी व कर्तरी प्रयोग


Change the voice    👈

Structure of English sentence

     she          called          the police.

     Subject             verb                              object

To complete any sentence there must be a subject and verb,  without an object sentence could be meaningful .In many sentences  there is no object  though it is meaningful .

                Raj goes to Delhi .

               He laughs.

There are two types of VOICE   


1) Active voice    and    2)  Passive voice.

 In active voice the subject is active and object is passive.

 example -  He gave a pain to me.

 In the sentence subject  ‘He’  and verb  ’ GAVE’

In passive voice the subject is passive and object is active

example  -  The child is scolded by the mother.

       Active voice

 subject + verb + object

 example- She eats pizza.

                 They are are playing cricket.

       Passive voice structure- object+ helping verb( to be )+past participle + preposition by+ subject( second case)

             Pizza is eaten by her .

Active into passive voice-   RULES


Ø      start's  with object

Ø   use helping verb according to tense

Ø   plural /singular form according to subject

Ø    then helping verb

Ø    then past participle of main verb

Ø    than preposition’ by ‘and lastly second case of subject

Ø  While changing active into passive we must know an object of the given sentence

 ,so the question is …..


How to identify an object from the given sentence?

and the answer is….

        There are two types of objects direct object and indirect object, to know direct object we must ask a question with , ’’ what’’ to the main verb and subject

 example  -She saw the child.

    In this sentence, the question will be framed like  ‘ what did she see ?

 and the answer is ‘’ the child ‘’   so the object is ’ the child’.

       To know an indirect object we must ask a question with ‘ whom ‘to main verb and subject of the sentence

   example  -  she gave me a book.

Question will be  , ‘whom did she give a book ?   and answer ‘’ to me ‘’  is an object and  ‘’what did she give me’’  and answer is  ‘’the book ‘’

so in the sentence there are two objects ‘’direct and indirect ‘’object   

     to me ‘ is indirect object and ’’ the book’’ is direct object.

While transforming Active into passive voice ‘subject’ change into ‘object’ and ‘object ’ change into ‘subject’ .

   Transformation of object into subject

   1)me- I   ,                 2)you- you  ,            3)us- we  ,     

 4)her- she  ,         5)  them –they  ,        6)it- it   ,     

  7)him- he

 Transformation of subject into’ object

 1 -I - by me  ,            2- we-by us   ,            3- he- by him   ,    

  4-you-  by you  ,                   5- she – by her  ,         6-they- by them   ,           

  7-  it-  by it    ,             8-  who - by whom

       Transformation of active into passive voice tense wise

👉`simple present tense

          1)she reads a book.
 structure-subject +main verb +object
                passive voice-A book is read by her.
     2) I ask many questions.
       Passive voice-  Many questions are asked by me.

    structure- object+ main verb + past participle +by+ subject(2)

      He kills a dog.        .                                            A dog is killed by him.

       She drinks a cup of milk .                               A cup of milk is drunk by her.

       His mother punishes them .                        They are punished by her .

       Radha  talks with a parrot  .                          A parrot is talked by Radha.

       He gives her a new dress.                            A New dress is given by him to her.
 Madhav reads newspaper .                        Newspaper is read by Madhav.

👉•       Simple past tense

                             1}They were punished by the teacher.

 Active voice -The teacher punished them.                        2} Raj wrote some poems.

   Structure- subject+ main verb(2) + object

 passive voice -Some poems were written by .

 structure-Object +h v (was/ were )+main verb(pp)+by +subject

       He closed the shop  .                                       The shop was closed by him.

       He killed a dog.        .                                            A dog was killed by him.

       She drank a cup of milk .                               A cup of milk was drunk by her.

       His mother punished them .                        They were  punished by her .

       Radha  talked  with a parrot  .                          A parrot was talked by Radha.

👉•       Simple future tense

 Active voice  structure- subject+ will /shall +main verb( 1)  + object

                  she will write a book.

 passive voice structure=  object+ shall /will be + main verb( past participle ) +by +s (2 case)

                   A book will be written by her.

👉•       Present continuous tense

       structure= Active voice 

 subject+ am/ is /are+ + main verb +ing + object.

                                They are helping me .

passive voice structure= object +am /is /are + being +main verb (past participle ) by+ subject (second case).

                                 I am being helped by them.

         The hunter is watching them.

 ans- They are being watched by the hunter.

👉Past continuous tense

Active voice structure- subject +was/ were +main verb ING+ object   1) I was writing essays.

        Passive voice structure- object +was/ were + being+ main verb 3 (past participle)+ by+ subject.

                                Essays were being written by me.


2)They were drinking the milk.

The milk is being drunk by them.  

Active voice structure- subject +was/ were +main verb ING+ object



👉•       Past perfect tense

Active voice structure- subject +had +MV+ object

                                 Sheela had drunk the tea.
Passive voice structure- object+ had been+ m v  (p p) + by +subject

                                The tea had been drunk by Sheela.

👉•       Future perfect tense

  Active voice- subject +shall /will +have+ m v  pp+ object

                                John will have eaten the pizza.

 structure of passive voice –object+ shall/ will +have been +m v  pp+ by+ object.

                                The pizza will have been eaten by John

       Change the voice of imperative sentence

  1)close the door .

Ans -Let the door be closed.

                structure of passive voice –

 Let+ object+ be+ mv PP+ other part of sentence

2)Shut the door.                                      Let the door be shut.

3)Do it fast.                                             Let it be done fast.

4)Give  the food to the beggar.               Let the beggar be given food.
5)Complete the homework .                    Let the homework be completed.

6)Don’t hurt the door    .                         Let not the door be shut.

Order /request type sentences

1)Attack the enemy.

 you are ordered to attack the enemy.

2)Pass the book ,please.

 you are requested to pass the book.

Transformation of  passive into active voice

  •  identify the type of voice,
  •      1] If there is am/ is/ are/ was/ were /be/ being /been and main verb 3  then the sentence will be passive voice,
  •      First write down subject   
  •     remove by,
  •     Use second case of object,
  •      Use proper helping verb according to subject and tense
  •      remove be/ being and been,



                           1)English is taught by Mr. John.

 ans-  Active voice - Mr. John teaches  English.

            2)A book was read by him.

         Active voice  = He read a book.


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