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2-1) Cherry tree.चेरीचे झाड


• Trees are revered because :

 (a) They give us joy.

 (b) helps to bring rainfall

 (c) give Shadow food

 (d) useful to balance of the environment

 (e) cotton ,flowers ,medicinal use of the tree

• Column A shows your involvement in growing a tree, as well as the stages 

in the life of a tree. Column B shows the feelings you experience at all 

the stages. Match them appropriately.


1. You planted a sapling. a. Gave you a feeling of joy to see the 

promising future.

2. You watered the plant. b. The new experience brought excitement 

to you.

3. You saw the shoot for the first 


c. You were happy and satisfied because 

you experienced what you had often 

heard, that small beginnings can lead 

to great achievements. 

4. You fenced the plant. d. The colour, symbolizing life, gave 

you a feeling of hope.

5. The plant gradually saw lush 

green leaves grow on it.

e. You wanted to make a humble 


6. The tree had buds too. f. Your motive was to protect it.

7. Birds made a nest on the tree 

which was fully grown and 

laden with flowers. 

g. You cared for it


Ruskin Bond :

 Born in Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh, in 1934, Ruskin Bond has written hundreds of short stories, ,essays novellas and more than thirty books for children. His  first novel, 'The Room on the Roof', written when he was  seventeen received the John Llewellyn Rhys Memorial Prize in 1957. He has also published two volumes of autobiography, 

'Scenes from a Writer's Life' and 'The Lamp is Lit', a collection  of essays and episodes from his journal. In 1992 he received  the Sahitya Akademi Award for English writing in India. He  was awarded the Padmashri in 1999. Ruskin Bond lives with his adopted family in ,Mussoorie Uttarakhand.

The poem, “Cherry Tree” is about the poet's ecstasy over a tree which he planted  which took eight years to grow. He is expressing his wonder at the ways of Nature  and how the cherry blossoms are fragile and quick to fall. The tree gives him  immense joy as he can see the stars and the blue sky through dappled green trees.

Cherry Tree

Eight years have passed

Since I placed my cherry seed in the grass.

“Must have a tree of my own,” I said,

And watered it once and went to bed

And forgot; but cherries have a way of growing,

Though no one's caring very much or knowing.

And suddenly that summer near the end of May,

I found a tree had come to stay.

It was very small, five months child,

Lost in the tall grass running wild.

Goats ate the leaves, the grass cutter scythe

Split it apart and a monsoon blight

Shrivelled the slender stem...... Even so,

Next spring I watched three new shoots grow,

The young tree struggle, upward thrust

Its arms in a fresh fierce lust

For light and air and sun.

I could only wait, as one

Who watched, wandering, while Time and the rain

Made a miracle from green growing pain.......

I went away next year-

Spent a season in Kashmir-

Came back thinner, rather poor,

But richer by a cherry tree at my door.

Six feet high my own dark cherry,

And I could scarcely believe it-a berry.

Ripened and jeweled in the sun,

Hung from a branch-just one!

And next year there were blossoms small

Pink, fragile, quick to fall

At the merest breath, the sleepiest breeze. .....

I lay on the grass, at ease,

Looking up through leaves at the blue

Blind sky, at the finches as they flew

And flitted through the dappled green.

While bees in an ecstasy drank

Of nectar from each bloom and the sun sank

Swiftly, and the stars turned in the sky,

And moon-moths and singing crickets and l

Yes, I! — praised Night and Stars and tree:

That small, the cherry, grown by me.

-.                  Ruskin Bond 


 For unseen extract click on the given link below 👇👇



 Difficult words with meaning

dappled : having dark or 

light patches.

ecstasy : feeling of great 


nectar : sweet liquid 

produced by flowers MN


 Click on the given link for, " email writing ". ई-मेल साठी खाली क्लिक करा.





(A1) (i) Find proof from the poem for the following.

 (a) The poet has mentioned different seasons.

 (b) The poet’s minute observations of the steady growth of the cherry tree.

 (c) The colour imagery in the poem.

 (d) The struggle of the cherry tree for survival.

(ii) State whether the following statements are True or False.   Correct the false  statements by finding evidence from the poem to support your remark.

 (a) The cherry tree did not take long to

 grow. - False  (Six feet high my own dark cherry)

 (b) Birds and insects were benefitted from the tree. --True

 (c) The poet was exalted at the sight of the cherry tree.True

 (d) The poem has an underlying message about the importance of trees.True

 (e) The poet repents planting the cherry tree.False (I praised night and stars and tree)

(A2) (i) Discuss in groups, reasons/ consequences/ effects:

 (a) The life of the cherry tree was threatened.

 (b) The cherry blossomed.

(ii) A small thought, put in action, led to a great achievement. Pick out the 

lines from the beginning and end of the poem and explain their significance. 

(A3) The cherry tree has inspired the poet to compose the poem. Such poems, 

describing Nature or aspects of Nature are called ‘Nature poems’. Find 

out some expressions from the poem that bring out the elements of beauty 

of Nature.

(A4) (i) Read the line.

Pink, fragile, quick to fall

 Notice the arrangement of the words in the line: 

They move from healthy to delicate

 This figure of speech is called Climax where successive words, phrases, 

sentences are arranged in ascending order of importance. Here, the cherry 

blossom turns pink, ripens and is ready to be picked.

(ii) Find out examples from the poem.

 Alliteration :1)Shrivelled the slender stem...... Even so

2)Who watched, wandering, while Time and the rain

 Antithesis :1)And forgot; but cherries have a way of growing,

Though no one's caring very much or knowing.

2)Came back thinner, rather poor,

But richer by a cherry tree at my door

 Personification :1)I found a tree had come to stay. 2)And moon-moths and singing crickets and l

(A5) (i) Cherry tree is a narrative poem. Features that make it a narrative poem 

are given below. Justify them with proper examples.

 (a) The poem has a beginning, a middle and an end.

 (b) Different places are mentioned.

 (c) Characters are referred to. 

 (d) Incidents are arranged in sequence.

 (e) There is a dialogue between the poet and the reader or the characters of 

the poem.

 (f) It is a time-bound poem.

(ii) Compose 8 to 10 lines. Narrate any incident in your life without using 

any rhyming pattern. 

(iii) Write an appreciation of the poem considering the following points :

• About the poem, poet and title.



 • Theme/summary/gist of the poem.



 • Poetic style/language, poetic devices used in the poem.



 • Special features/novelties/focusing elements.



 • Message/values/morals in the poem.



 • Your opinion about the poem.(iv) Write a summary of the poem using the following points.

 • Title


 • Introductory paragraph (about the poem, type, Nature, tone)



 • Main body (central idea, gist of the poem)



 • Conclusion (opinion, views, appeal)



(A6) (i) Write the poem ‘Cherry Tree’ in the form of a story.

(ii) Write in 100 words what the cherry tree in the poem symbolises.

(iii) You have studied the lesson 'The Call of the Soil' from prose 1.3. Compare 

'Cherry Tree' with 'The Call of the Soil' and find out the element of joy 

of nurturing for the author and the poet.

(A7) Project:

Refer to the library and collect at least five poems of any Nature poet. Write 

the poems along with their summary.


Click below for more posts👇👇

1-1Being neighbourly

1-2 On to the summit we reach the top

1-3The call of the soil

1-4Pillars of democracy

1-5Mrs adis

1-6Tiger hills

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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

