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3-6)Group Discussion'

 Group Discussions


        A group discussion is a formal discussion conducted on a topic among a group of ten

to twelve participants. The participants analyse the topic from their respective angles

and present their views and opinions. The group is given a topic. They contemplate( चिंतन ) on it

for a few minutes and then start discussions. The discussion is usually for ten to fifteen


Group discussions are usually held on topics of four kinds:

 (a) factual,-Plastics should be banned’ 

(b) a social or political issue- ‘moral policing’,

(c) abstract( संक्षेप )- conscience’

(d) case study based- the group discusses a case study and analyses ( विश्लेषण ) it or offers solutions.

        Group Discussions are one of the effective interactive methods of classroom learning.

They are used to select candidates for different courses or for jobs by employers. They

are used to gauge ( मापणे ) whether a candidate possesses certain skills required for pursuing a

particular course or a job that involves working in groups, giving opinions and solve

problems together to achieve common goals. The candidates are tested for their knowledge

and communication skills as well as their ability to work as a part of a group and to lead

other towards conclusions and solutions. One should be able to use his understanding of a

subject to give opinions on it and support his ideas with logical ( तार्किक ) arguments.


 You must have discussed many things with your friends, classmates in a

group. It might be about going on a picnic or selecting a gift for your


(i) What do you think are the benefits of a group discussion?

ANSWER(a) Development in skills like speaking and listening.

                (b)To know and understand the topic 

                (c)To know how to face an Interview / oral exam

(ii) People have different views and opinions because:

Complete the web highlighting the uses of 'Group Discussion'. One is done

for you.

The Language of Group Discussions

Here are some expressions you can use to perform different functions during a group


Expressing opinions

I believe……

 I think…….

Could I make a point, please? 

In my opinion……

It seems to me……

Expressing agreement


You’re right……

I fully agree with…..

Expressing disagreement

I’m afraid I don’t agree with…..

 I’m sorry but I see it a little differently.

I can see your point but….. 

You may have something there but…..

I respect your point of view, but I’m sorry I can’t go along with you on……


I think we should……

 Why don’t we…..?


Couldn’t we……?

Don’t you think we could….?

Asking for opinion

What is your opinion on….?

 What do you feel about…?

I wonder what do you think about…..? 

I’d like to know your stand on…..


I’m sorry to interrupt but….

Excuse me. Could I add something, please?

That’s true. Sorry, but…..

Handling Interruptions

Just a moment please.

 Could I finish what I am saying?

If you would just let me finish…….

 Could you wait for a minute, please.


To summarise /conclude,…… 

We can conclude by saying……

Let’s run quickly through the main ideas before concluding the discussion.

Sample Group Discussion

Evaluator : You’ve all been given a few minutes to think on your topic for today’s

        group discussion, which is ‘Do you think teenagers should be given a

        separate mobile phone? ’You may now begin the discussion. Who would

        like to start?

Manisha : I think the topic of this discussion is very relevant to all of us here.

        As teenagers, we are so fond of our mobile phones, and its different

        features that have become irresistible to us. I feel mobile phones are

        quite necessary, they are quite helpful for educational purpose, we can

        get support for their various subjects just at the click of a button.

Anamika : I also agree with Suhasini because now-a-days people use smartphones

        and they can get access to any information they want like travel

        information, recipes, courses, colleges etc

John : Yes, I would like to add to it. I don’t think students use the mobile phones

        only for seeking useful information. They use it for entertainment too.

        They listen to songs, watch movies etc. I am afraid they see unsuitable

        things too. Moreover they spend long hours on phone.

Anamika : Yes Dipak, you are absolutely right. But, I think parents have made

        them aware of the abuses of the mobiles and they are mature enough to

        understand how to use the mobile phone productively.

Ananya : Yes, all this is true but don’t you all agree that they do see unwanted

        things and waste their time in things not suitable for their age group.

John : I agree with what Manjula says. It is a sheer wastage of time, money

        and energy.

Anamika : I feel that most of the students have forgotten the basic use of mobile

        phones; they have to travel long distances for tuitions and other purposes.

        The parents can keep a track of their children. That is the main reason

        why parents have given them mobiles.

John : Yes, but students have become lazy. They lack concentration, they don’t

        read books, the phone keeps ringing and disturbs them now and then.

Manisha : Parents, institutions block some sites so that students are not able to

        view unwanted material. The risk is there but with advantages there are

        disadvantages too.

Evaluator : All right, everyone. Your time’s nearly up. Could someone conclude,


John : Taking the points into consideration mobile is a good and useful tool

        but a time period should be allotted to the students to use mobile so

        that students do not become couch potatoes. Eye problems, posture

        problems, psychological problems have increased. They sometimes

        become violent if mobile phones are taken away from them. They can

        use these phones but they should be made to use them judiciously.

(A3) (i) Group discussion helps to unravel the following personality traits in a


Personality  Traits

(ii) Match the following.

Discuss Give special importance or value to something in speaking or


Argue Say something again, a number of times

Deliberate Express opposite views in a heated or angry way

Reiterate Engage in long and careful consideration

Emphasize To talk about a subject with someone and tell each other your ideas

and opinions

: (A4) (i) Write the following sentences in reported indirect speech:

(a) He said, "If you find my answers satisfactory, will you give me five


=He  asked me whether I would give him five rupees if I found his answers satisfactory.

(b) The astrologer said, “You were left for dead. Am I right?”

=The astrologer asked /confirmed him whether he had left for dead.

(c) “I should have been dead if some passerby had not chanced to peep into

the well,” exclaimed Guru Nayak.

(d) He told her, “Do you know a great load is gone from me today.”

(ii) Read a part of a conversation between Neha and Nidhi.

Neha: Where are you going, Nidhi?

Nidhi: I am going for my music lessons.

The above conversation is written in exact words spoken. If this conversation

was to be reported by a third person then it would be written as:

Neha asked Nidhi where she was going. Nidhi replied that she was going for

her music lessons.

Notice the changes in the reported sentence. Note the changes in pronouns,

tenses, reporting and reported verbs and other changes.

Read the following sentences given in the indirect speech and convert them
into the direct speech.

(a) Shirish said that he would not be able to solve the problem.

=Shirish said,'' I wont be able to solve the problem.''

(b) Lata told me to give her a glass of water.

=Lata said,'' Give me  a glass of water.''

(c) Ananya exclaimed with joy that she had received the Ph.D. degree.

(d) Shilpa asked us if there was any other document to be typed.

(e) Swati said that she would not get the money


⭕️Useful Links for you ⭕️

Click on the given words for more details 


Rhetorical question 
Summary writing 
As soon as
Parts of speech 
Modal auxiliary 
Question tag
Solved grammar
Forms of words 
Direct into indirect 

⭕️⭕️12th Class⭕️⭕️

Mind mapping

Astrologer's day

On saying please

The cop and the anthem

Big data big sights

The new dress

Into the wild

Why we travel

Voyaging towards excellence

Song of the open road

Indian weavers

Have you earned your tomorrow

Father returning home


She walks in beauty

Small towns and rivers


Mind mapping

Note making

Statement of purpose

Drafting virtual message

Group discussion

History of novel

To sir with love

Around the world in 80days

The sign of four

🌑 11th Class 🌑

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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

