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फिल्म रिवू -5) Film Review

3.5 Film Review


• Read the following conversation and complete the activities given below:

(i) Choose the correct alternative from the following-

From one star given to the movie we conclude that-

 (a) The movie is very short.

 (b) The movie is not worth watching.

 (c) The movie is serious.

 (d) The movie is in black and white.

(ii) Discuss with your teacher how/why are ‘stars’ given to a movie.

(iii) The word 'Review' is different from summarizing and appeal writing. 
Choose the correct statements of the following. 

(a) Film review is an expression of your personal views towords a particular 

film, documentary or movie.

 (b) A film review gives you an opportunity to express opinions about the 

movie, including its characters, plot and background.

 (c) A film review gives appealing sentences that make your reader curious or 

anxious about the film.

 (d) A review means explanation of each and every event of the film  

3.5 Film Review

Steps to write a film review

Step I - Before watching the movie make a study of-

 (a) The relevance of the title

 (b) The year of release

 (c) Name of script writer, producer, director, characters

 (d) The genre (Type of film)

Step II - While watching the movie

 (a) Watch the movie attentively (as many times as required)

 (b) Take notes about major and minor events/scenes, acting, cinematography 

locations, plot, characters, moral, music, direction, set-designs, background 

music, sound and recording quality, message etc.

Step III - After watching the movie-

 (a) Choose an appropriate format for review writing

 (b) Organise the sequence of the events commented, according to their 


 (c) Make use of proper language and vocabulary.

 (d) Actual writing of the report/ typing/editing/ proof-reading/re-editing. Final 



(A1) (i) Every movie is worth critiquing. Describe in detail each point related with 
the film review with the help of the following web.

                           Film Review

Plot analysis             



Music and Sound

Script Writer         



(ii) Discuss and explain the movie 'The Jungle Book' with the help of the 

following points.

 • Classic element.

 • Fantasy.

 • Photorealism

 • Blending of emotions

(iii) 'It all builds on the charm of the 1967 film, which by itself is a must 

watch for any child.'

 Explain this sentence in the context of the movie, focusing on the two given 

phrases- 'Charm of the 1967 film' and 'must watch'.

(A2) (i) Complete the following sentences. 

 The factors that have made 'The Jungle Book' a great movie are - 

 (a) It's a fantasy world of wonder.




(ii) The present review concludes with two words 'Heartwarming and enjoyable'. 

Write your opinion in about 100 to 150 words.

(A3) (i) 'Narnia' (part 1,2,3 and 4) is a film about 4 children who find a path to 

 Dissuss in your class, the special effects and direction. Write a 
review with the help of the following points in about 100 to 150 words.

(a) Story line

 (b) Producer

 (c) Director

 (d) Music Director

 (d) Characters/ casting (major and minor)

 (e) Setting / location 

 (f) Conflict

 (g) Message

 (h) Significance of the title.

(A4) (i) Form groups and try to write a script for a short film or documentary 
on any topic of your choice. The script must develop properly. You can 
take help of the following points. 

• choose a topic

• central themethe beginning, the middle and the end 

• the message 

(ii) Form groups and use the ICT lab of your Junior College to make a short-

film on the script that you have prepared. There are several soft-wares 

that can be used for editing. You can take professional help. One can 

upload his/her film on mediums like Youtube and submit the link to the 

subject teacher. 

(iii) There are ample career opportunities in film making and producing films.

 The following professions which require different professional skills, and 

write them accordingly.

Professions                                                 Professional skills

1. Actor-Male or Female                     Acting, voice modulation, Body 

                                                            language, facial expressions etc.

2. Director

3. Producer

4. Music-director

5. Script-writer

6. Lyrist

7. Cameramen

8. Cenamatographer

9. Set-designer

10. Costume-desingner

(A5) You must have heard about Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), 

Pune. It is India's top media Institute. It plays an important role in 

providing talent to commercial cinema, TV and web serials. Browse the 

internet and find information about other institutes in India and abroad, 

write it in your notebook.

⭕️Useful Links for you ⭕️

Click on the given words for more details 


Rhetorical question 
Summary writing 
As soon as
Parts of speech 
Modal auxiliary 
Question tag
Solved grammar
Forms of words 
Direct into indirect 

⭕️⭕️12th Class⭕️⭕️

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Father returning home


She walks in beauty

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Note making

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🌑 11th Class 🌑

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