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3-1) Expansion of Ideas

3.1 Expansion of Ideas


• Discuss with your partner the different ideas connoted by the word 'season'.

 (a)rainy season -water , flood, enjoyment ,rain dance 

 (b)summer -holidays , cold drinks ,sugar cane  juice ,


• Select a season of your choice and give the following details:

 (a) Time of the year-    summer -    march to may 

 (b) Characteristics- crops, festivals etc. =grapes ,mangos, akshy trutia ( अक्षय तृतीया) 

 (c) Features/changes - climate/weather/temperature etc.

 (d) Advantages/Disadvantages-

• Proverbs associated with the word season: for eg: Make hay while the sun 




Guess the meaning of the above proverbs and write them down along with 

a sentence of your own.

• Discuss with your partner on the following topics. Express your views and 

opinions in favour and against the topic.

 (a) Are sports essential in Jr. Colleges?


 (b) Are college council elections essetial in Jr. Colleges?


 (c) Is cell-phone the need of the times?


 (d) Should the 'Earn and Learn' concept be made mandatory for students?

Expansion of Ideas

Expansion of idea is to elaborate an idea in a paragraph form. 

Paragraph :

 A Para is necessarily a series of connected sentences which develops 
one topic sentence.

Topic sentence :

 It is a subject / proposition/ statement expressed in a sentence. A 

good topic sentence is brief and encapsulates (सारांश)  the central theme.

Ideally it is written in three parts - 

(1) Introductory para (2) Core content (3) Concluding para. 

(Note : Topic sentence can never be removed from a paragraph.)

Introductory para

A good paragraph is always associated with a topic sentence either at the beginning, 

in the middle or at the end. The symbolism or the idea should be clearly understood. 

The literal/symbolic/metaphorical (रुपकात्मक ) meaning needs to be given. To expand an idea the 

focus should be on words and expression of thoughts to put forth the hidden meaning 

or deeper thought behind the given idea. In short, the given idea needs to be well 

evaluated and interpreted accordingly.(अर्थ समजावणे) 

Core Content

While elaborating (विस्तार) various aspects of the idea, remember that the following points 

need to be taken into consideration :

• Explore perspectives, (दृष्टी कोन) give instances and anecdotes, experiences or even personal 


• There should be unity, and clarity of thoughts.

• Maintain coherence and a logical link between two distinct points between the 

sentences. For this, discourse markers, conjunctions and conjunctive phrases can be used. 

Each para or point should support the central idea, but ‘proportion of space’ (समतोल) should be 

kept in mind. 

(Proportion of space : more important ideas – more space; less important idea, less 


• Proportion of emphasis is an important aspect. It simply means keeping the 

principal subject in place of prominence throughout the para. 

• Avoid too many ideas. 

• Remember this is the most creative part to demonstrate your language skills. 


At the end we need to sum up suitably with strong and relevant point.

• Use of proverbs is appropriate at the end with a similar meaning sentence given 

in the topic sentence. 

e.g. (1) The given one is- ‘Tit for tat’ you may sum up using another similar one 

‘Reap as you sow.

’Key points for Expansion of Ideas

• As an example, let’s take the concept, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

(i) Key Point : We should love others, as we love ourselves.

(ii) Literal Meaning: To find pleasure in others’ virtues. To “love” means to

overlook the faults, and appreciate the virtues in others and to forgive others

as we forgive ourselves.

(iii) Explanation of the different aspects of the topic sentence.

(a) We should love human beings because all human beings are images of


(b) Love is the fundamental essence of all joys, goodness and pleasure.

(c) Love ensures (खात्री)  peace and harmony.

(d) Love creates bonding.

(e) Loving someone is protecting them from harm, fighting for their rights

and working against injustice.

(iv) Conclusion: 

If everyone practiced “Love your neighbor,” the world would

operate with a far greater degree of patience, tolerance(सहन शिलता) , understanding,

communication, appreciation, unity, etc. This one principle would transform

human history! When we love each other, take pleasure in each others'

achievements and work together, we are able to achieve harmony and

peace, sustaining the universe.

उदाहरण   Expansion of Idea

Travel Broadens the Mind

        Travelling is the best form of education, as learning from the

 environment is more effective. If you live all your life in the same place, 

you are like the proverbial frog in a well. You become narrow-minded.

 You do not know what the world outside is truly like. 

There is no doubt that travelling broadens the mind and enlivens the spirit.

        Apart from viewing of natural and historical sights, travelling 

enables a person to meet different people and study their customs,

 modes of dressing, culture and languages at close quarters. 

Meeting different people makes a person broad-minded and tolerant. 

            Travelling brings people closer and broadens one's outlook.

 It removes prejudices and helps a person to become a citizen of 

the world in the true sense. 

        Therefore, never lose any opportunity to travel. It will be an 

experience well worth the time and money spent on it. 

The world is a book and he who stays at home reads only one page.

Discourse Markers

        The phrase ‘Discourse Markers' reveals its own meaning. Discourse means 

conversation, narration, exchange. Words which connect, mark, give direction to the 

communication are Discourse Markers. 

Definition :

         Discourse markers are words or phrases like anyway, right, okay, as I 

say, to begin with, used to connect, organise and manage what we say or write, to 

express attitude.When we speak or write we constantly use Discourse Markers. In fact we are not 

even aware that we use them or when we use them. 

            Words like nevertheless, further, furthermore, similarly, so, therefore, to be fair, by the time, thus etc.

 are examples of discourse markers that we use in our everyday conversations. 

        Why do you think they are used? What is their function in speech or writing? 

The answer would be, that firstly they link the narrative or conversation. Secondly 

they explain, emphasise and connect what you are saying. By this they bring clarity to 

the communication and thereby make it effective by adding aesthetic (सौन्दर्य) value. 

Find out examples of discourse markers from the text. 

Template for ‘Expansion of Ideas’.



(A1) Expand the idea inherent in the following proverbs : 

(i) A Bad workman blames his tools.

(ii) One should eat to live, not live to eat - Franklin 

(iii) If winter comes, can spring be far behind? - Shelley

(iv) Beauty is truth, truth is beauty - John Keats 

(v) Fools rush in where angels fear to tread - Alexander Pope

(A2) Complete the tabular columns to specify Dos and Don’ts associated with 
'Expansion of Ideas'.




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As soon as
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Modal auxiliary 
Question tag
Solved grammar
Forms of words 
Direct into indirect 

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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

