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An enemy of the People -textual activities& Short story लोकांचा शत्रू या नाटकावरील प्रश्न उत्तरे &कथा .

4-3 B)An enemy of the People - story 

  The  main character of the play Dr. Stockmann, who is a medical officer of the municipal baths, has doubt that their is a corruption in bath . He tries to prove it by  clinical tests. Dr. Stockmann has discovered that the new baths built in his town are infected with a deadly disease, so he demands  to repair or close the baths. The Mayor, Peter Stockmann , does not believe on the report and rejected ti close as it will cause the financial ruin of the town.

Dr. Stockmann wants to publish an article on  the corruption.  Peter Stockmann,  the mayor  and the Chairman of the Bath committee, threatens him and his family if he publishes the article. Hovstad, the editor of People's Messenger and Aslaksen, the printer,  decide not to publish the article.Then Dr. Stockmann tries to take his report to the people, but the mayor intercedes and explains to the people how much it will cost to repair the baths. He explains that the Doctor is always filled with wild, fanciful ideas and declared him an enemy of the people. 

And the result is People throws  stones, windows are smashed, he becomes the target of people anger.His contract as medical officer is terminated, his daughter Petra is removed from her job as a teacher, his landlord also tortures them. So the doctor decides to leave the town, but at the last minute comes to the realization that he must stay and fight for the things he believes to be right.

He stands firm in the face of difficulties and ignores Peter's advice to leave the town for a few months. His wife is afraid that people might drive him out of the town. But Dr.  replies that he intends to stay and make the people understand "that considerations of expediency turn morality and justice upside down." What is convenient is not always morally right. He ends by proclaiming, "The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone."

Character sketch of Dr stockman

Ans=He is an ideal man who wants to fix the issue of the contamination of the baths though he neglected at the repairing cost of the baths and its effect on the economic condition of the town. He thinks for the health of the people he shows his determination and brave nature when no one was helping him to publish his reports on the baths. His will power to expose the corruption of his brother who is the powerful Mayor of the town makes him(Dr) a true Noble man.

Character sketch 

Mayer Peter stockmann is a contrast to Dr Thomas stockmann  justify

Ans= contrast between two brothers are as follows

Mayer Peter is a corrupt politician concerned with his image in the eyes of public while Thomas is a dedicated doctor who is looking for good health of the town people.

 Dr stockmann doing morally good things on the other side the Mayor try to suppress the issue raised by his brother that is to publish the report made by him.

Dr wants to  change the condition of society by bringing new ideas but his brother tried to resist his changes though it will be going to prove harmful to the people.

The mayor shows his coward nature when he knows that the baths are contaminated and also he refused to take responsibility for the issue.Dr stood firmly on the publishing hit report which shows heat brave nature doctor is good-natured, smart and generous while the mayor is greedy ,dominating, cunning and corrupt politician.


. The setting of the act is the office of the newspaper 'The Herald'. Explain how 

This is the office where the shocking major incidents of the drama occurs in the drama here doctor comes to open/ expose the corruption done by his brother, by publishing a report on contamination of baths.   This is the office where Dr knows that the Mayor has convinced Hovsted and  Asleksan not to print the report of  doctor. Dr stockman Betrayed by these two persons who are the part of media(newspaper ). Though this place highlights the play's," theme of the corruption" in an ideal society, media should be free from such type of corruption and the influence of politicians like the Mayor.


write the sequence of opening events  Ans= when Hovsted address Doctor Stockmann as a" friend of the people. " Doctor likes this appreciation. Hovsted as the editor of the newspaper wanted to support him by publishing his report. Then giving his manuscript doctor leaves the place. The printer Asleksan called him" a man of concerns" who had feared about the manuscript, so Hovsted called him a timid man, he takes the side of Dr. stockmann.


1. Describe the climax scene in your own words. Write your comments on it.

2. Describe in your own words the incident when Hovstad's real intention to help Dr. Stockmann is exposed.

Ans = Petra the daughter of Dr. Stockmann enters the office of Hovstad to return the book. she had a faith in Hovstad who is helping her father honestly but when he told her that he is supporting her father because of her. He told her that he is Petra father to hun he(Hovstad ) likes and attracted to her, so she gets angry and criticized on him. Then Hovstad explain her not to behave in this way with him( Hovstad) as her father needs help from him to published his article. In this way he is blackmailing her and later she (Petra ) leaves the office in anger.

3. Write down the consequences of the following occurrences with the help of the play.

(a) Dr. Thomas Stockmann wants an article exposing social evils to be printed in the newspaper.

(b) Mayor Peter Stockmann persuades Mr. Hovstad and Mr. Billing from printing the article.

(c) Alaksen declares that he would not print Dr. Stockmann's article.

(d) Katherine encourages Dr. Stockmann to proceed in his attempts in the cause of public attempts.

2. Explain the use of the following property in the development of the play.

(a) Hat

(b) Stick

(c) An envelope containing the letter

3. Explain the following statements with reference to the context.

(a) And then, once the ring's broken, we'll get to work and show the public every day just how incompetent the Mayor is!

(b) From now on The Herald shall be my artillery.

Ans= This is the dialogue between Hovstad, Aslaksan,Billing And doctor stockmann. Dr stockman said to Hovstad, Aslaksan,Billing. Through this dialogue we know his eagerness about his report which is going to publish in the paper. Through this news paper,he is going to expose the corruption done by the Mayor and his companions. He has strong belief that with the support of newspaper "Peoples messenger"( the Herald ) always stand with him in his fight against corruption. He was sure that the corrupted politician like his brother and others get due punishment and his artillery (his weapons ) are such newspapers like Herald ( people's messenger ) are help him to win this battle.

(c) You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

(d) Because your father can't do without my help.

(e) And it's by no means the small sacrifice the town will have to make

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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

