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अँप्रिसिएशन ऑन मनी Appreciation and figure of speeches on 2-6) Money

 Prepare an Appreciation

1) About the poem, poet, title

 This poem money is written by William h Davies a welsh poet and writer he spent his life at a Tramp or Hobo in the United Kingdom and the United States. The poem tells us about the rich man who wants to be poor man to find the real happiness in life. The title money gives us a hint that the poem is about the advantages and disadvantages of money. It also highlights the importance of money in one's life if we don't have money then we have to face hard life.

2) Special features

 The poem money has 5 stanzas and having 4 lines in each stanza. The poem Has rhyming words in second and third line. There is no proper structure of sentences follow in poem and ambiguity of the poem and in sentences remains the speciality of the poem.

3) Theme of the poem

 The poem is about narrator experiences about friends when he was rich with false friends, they used to knock his door but when he become for only few friends remain loyal to him the poem highlights the importance of money and also the true friends.

4) Poetic devices

 The poem has the rhyme scheme of-a b a b -major figure of speech used in the poem is Inversion, other figure of speeches like simile, repetition,onomatopoeia  enhanced the beauty of the poem. The repetition of O! Is also significant.

5) language of the poem

 the use of inversion makes the poem language complicated though it seems easy. The words are simple but some words are difficult to understand.

6) Your opinion about the poem

 I like the poem as it teaches us to find out our true friends. In poverty we get the real picture of our friends. I also think that in today's world money is also important as well as true friends.

 Figure of speeches from the poem

 1)How poor man's hurt are ever light =Alliteration -the sound " h" is repeated to give musical quality to the poem.

2) and how their wives do Hum like bees= Onomatopoeia= the word humming 'bees' expresses the sound.

3) much have I thought of life

answer =Inversion =the words are not in a proper order it should be like, " I have thought much of life."

4) when I had money money, O!

Repetition= the word money is repeated to create a musical effect in the poem.

5) poor man think I need not go up so much as rich man should come down

 Antithesis= In the above line,'poor and rich' these opposite words are used in the poem.

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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

