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Unseen extract no 6

 Sample activity sheet from board 

Unseen Extract  no 6

 Ever since an excerpt from the book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mom, appeared in the Wa Street Journal under the provocative title 'Why Chinese Moms are Superior' there has been debate, particularly in the western media, about the proto-Fascist parenting technique described by writer Amy Chua. Now Chua is no out-of-touch traditionalist. She's a Yale Law School professor married to an American. But she says western methods of parenting are too lax because there's no pressure on the child to excel,

In contrast, the Chinese mom has a strict set of rules which Chua herself applied to her two daughters: no sleepovers, no school plays or complaining about not being in a school pla no getting any grade less than A, watching TV or computer games or choosing their ow extra-curricular activities. She talks of a regime where kids practise the piano (or violin) for hours without complaining. In short, Mommy's way or you are so grounded and punished.

But while western mothers have expressed shock, there has been a quiet chortle of understanding here in India. Many Sherni mothers not only empathise, they cheer. Yes! At last, someone who is on the same wavelength as us. These Indian moms can be seen everywhere, ensuring that their child is a combination of Einstein, Sachin Tendulkar, Bobby Fischer, Picasso and Yehudi Menuhin. Not to forget Bill Gates. And Aishwarya Rai or Tom Cruise..

So we've got the picture of the Indian Tiger Mom (ITM), the one species not likely to go extinct anytime soon. But what about the father? What does he think of all this (assuming he thinks independently)? For argument's sake, we will assume the father too has some thoughts on the subject. Occasionally he bleats out his views.

(Reading Skills, Vocabulary, Grammar, Note-making and Summary)

(A1)Read the first activity, read the extract and then do all the activities 

A1. Read the following statements and write down two statements which explain the theme of the extract:

1)Indian moms are superior.

2). Indian moms are happy about 'proto-fascist parenting techniques'.

3)The father is dominated by ITM.

4).Chinese mom is superior to ITM.

A2. Complete

Complete the following sentences.

1Indian Mothers are called Tiger Moms




A3. Conclusion /Guess

These Indian moms can be seen everywhere, ensuring that their child is a combination of Einstein, Sachin Tendulkar, Bobby Fischer, Picasso and Yehudi Menuhin. Not to forget Bill Gates. And Aishwarya Rai or Tom Cruise.

The sentence implies Indian mothers... (Complete it in a paragraph)

A4. Vocabulary

Give one word for the following from the passage:.

 1)not sufficiently strict =

2) speak in a weak voice =

3)suppressed laugh =

4) causing discussion or argument =

A5. Personal Response

Explain whether you side with Indian moms or Western moms.

Expected answer 

A 1. (a) Indian moms are happy about 'proto-fascist parenting techniques'. (b) The father is dominated by ITM.

A 2. They are strong, they evoke fear, they are dominating, they are very strict 

A 3. Indian moms are ambitious for their children's success, they want their child to excel in every field, they have high expectations, they see to it that in future their child will be a combination of many successful personalities. 

A 4. (i) lax

 (ii) bleat

(iii) chortle

(iv) provocative (½ mark for each, total 2 marks)

 A 5. Accept any reasonably correct response.

 Indian moms in western moms both are in true sense mothers. According to me Indian moms are much better than Western moms because Indian moms take care of their own child, though she expect a combination of different persons in her own child but it shows her love towards her son or daughter. 



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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

