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4.4)activities no 1.on The sign of four.

Activities on text book page number 216 to 218 character,plot,setting, theme and language 

1) The character of Mary Marston from Dr Watson’s point of view 

= When Mary brings a case  both met for the first time. He mentioned her as a woman with a firm step. He added in as a young, well gloved lady, untrimmed and unbraided dress with a dull turban. According to him she is a woman of Limited means  because of her simple & plain costume. Her expression is sweet and  friendly though her complexion is not bright and her irregular features. He finds mary's face to be indicative of her refined. and sensitive nature, and rich woman with deep voice. She has perfect self control: lastly her passive interest in the inheritance of riches and her happiness at finding out the treasure and the lost and  acceptance of Watson's marriage proposal shows her virtuous nature.

2) Sherlock Holmes is the  leading character 

=At the first meeting with Mary we know about that as a detective Holmes had solved a case for miss Morston’s  employer, Mrs. Cecil Forrester. Watson mentioned him as hawk like features. His several question to Mary shows that he is an important character of the Novel and also in the case. He tries to get more information about the case and his success in it strengthens his character. His emotionless attitude while detection. makes him an an extraordinary character.

Through out the novel Holmes. is the leading Character presented as a with his qualities.

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3) Describe  the character sketch of Jonathan Small

 Jonathan Small who has a wooden leg is the antagonist of the story . 

He was one of “ the four , "a group of men who discovered a treasure of jewels. After this, an uprising occurred and Small was captured. In prison, he discussed on the secret with Morstan and Sholto.As Morstan retrieves the jewels, he  betrays the others. 

   When Small gets out he moves to England to try to get his share in treasure . He believes that he and the rest of “ the four ” are the only ones entitled to the treasure. During chasing , he dumps the jewels in the river .He took the help of Tonga in his quest . Small is not afraid to resort to violence to achieve his goals, although he was displeased when Tonga killed Bartholomew. 

4) Describe the character sketch of Tonga
   Tonga is a villager who lives on an island. He is very devoted person to Small . During illness of Tonga, Small took care of Tonga. He helps Small escape and break into Sholto’s house. Tonga is the murderer who killed Bartholomew. He is now considered to be a rather racist character, the writer Doyle described him as an animalistic and savage. 

Que- Discuss the importance of following statements from the light of the extract
 Statement a) The trio - Holmes ,doctor Watson and Mary decide to visit listen theatre.
Ans- Mery takes help of Sherlock in the case of herself. someone has been sending a pearl to her for the past 6 years but this year she received a letter and request her to come at the lycium theatre. The latter had a warning for her in which she should not to inform the police. In this matter, Mary had a mixed feeling about the meeting, she takes the help of the detective and Watson instead of to call the police for help. This decision taken by her remains the main plot of the novel and also leading to the an unveiling of the mystery of the latter.

Statement B) Mary received pearl every year on the same day.
Ans= Mary's father had disappeared from the hotel 10 years ago. There was an advertisement asking about her address later on, she takes an advice of her employer and gave the address.  After that she used to receive a large for every year.These pearls are the Mary's mysterious case for Holmes. This is an important statement as it highlighting the person who is trying to do something to Mary Marston.

statement C) Holmes carefully examined the paper given by Mary
- Ans=According to Mary the contents of the paper was hard to understand.  She thought it will be useful in the case as she kept it very carefully. Holmes agreed that the case is complicated though it seem so easy. The paper was about the place where Jonathan small hide the Agra Treasure (Agra ). It is the first time where the location of the Treasure known to us that's Agra.  This paper is the proof that shows the existence of a treasure and the story of small upon his arrest. It is also highlights the four   criminals mention in the title, " the sign of four".  At the end Holmes minute detection and observation once again solve the mystery of the  Mary Morston's case.

1) How does the series of actions go from London to India explain by citing references from the extract
Ans= It starts with the meeting of Mary and Holmes about her father and the mysterious latter. The first reference about India comes when she tells about her father who was an officer in Indian Regiment, then she was sent to London when she was a child. Then we have second reference of a letter sent by her father informing her that he had arrived safely in London and living at Longham Hotel,  it suggest that Mary's father return to London in 1878, about  10 years ago. Next reference is when Mary tells about Andaman Island where her father was one of the officer in charge of the prison stationed in the Andaman.

A2)Cite various  references/ lines from the extract that tells us about the time and Period of the events.
1)Line -my father was an officer in Indian regiment 
 Time and period - prior 1878, India under the rule of British Empire
2) line-  He disappeared upon the 3rd of December 1878 nearly 10 years ago.
Time and period - it shows the time when Mary Morston's father had disappeared before she met to Holmes at Hotel.
3)Line- This morning I received this letter which you will perhaps read  for yourself 
 Time and period -Mary Morston got one unknown persons letter on the morning of the day on which she came to meet Holmes about it.
 4)Line - In the year 1878, my father who was senior captain of his regiment.
Time and period 1878 10 years ago in London.

2) How does the series of action go from London to India. Explain by citing references from the extract 
Ans.=It starts with the meeting of Mary and Holmes about her father's mysterious disappearance  and the letter. The first reference about India comes when she tells about her father, who was an officer in Indian Regiment, then she was sent to London when she was a child. Then we have a reference of a letter sent by her father informing her that he had arrived safely in London and living at longham hotel. It suggest that Mary's father returns to London in 1878, ten years ago. Next reference is when Mary tells about Andaman Island where her father was one of the officer in charge of the Prison, stationed in the Andaman.

3) the extract begins when Mary morstan Meet Sherlock Holmes at his house after that Holmes Dr Watson and Mary visit some places in London
Ans= Mary and Holmes  moved to the lycium theatre by cab.The first place the stand had Street lamps and bright yellow lights in the shop glow across the crowded Street. The countless people passing through it. The carriage passed through Rochester raw then winset square then vauxhall Bridge Road. On the other side of the bridge  they landed on Wordsworth road, Priory Road,  Lark Hall lane, stockwell place,Robert Street cold harbour Lane. All these are less fashionable parts of London. Then they reached questionable and forbidding  neighborhood and lines of dull brick houses,then they come  to  two storied  Villa followed by lines of new staring big buildings. At last days stopped at the 3rd house in a new terrace.

5) Describe in brief the importance of the following places in the extract 1) London
 The characters like Mary,Watson Holmes live in London.Most of the actions occurs in London. One part of London is fashionable north and West London with the places like strand and lyceum theatre while other part of London which has dull houses and two storied villas. Incidents like meeting of Mary with Holmes and chasing of small and tonga by Holmes Were happened in London.
This is the central place of the novel but there is no direct mention of Agra in this particular extract. The Treasure comes from Agra.  The events related to major characters sets off in Agra.
 Jonathan small and his friends steal the Agra treasure from a servant of Raja. Holmes had the blueprint of the Agra Fort given by Mary.
3) lyceum theatre -
it is important place where Mary and Holmes came to meet on the advice of an anonymous sender of the pearls.  From this place the mystery of disappeared father of Mary starts to unsolved. it also symbolises the wealthy and rich part of London.
 Mary was sent by her father to London but she had to live in a boarding school in Edinburgh. she was there till she was 17. Here Mary spent her childhood as she is one of the major characters of the novel.
5) Andaman Island
 captain Morston was one of the incharge of the convict guard in the Andaman Island. Mary added that major shalto, was also in charge on the island who was her father's friend, both these two characters spend their lives in Andaman Island.

A 2) Arrange The sentences in correct sequence as per their occurrence in the extract.
jumbled incidents
1) Holmes put a revolver in his pocket.
2 ) Holmes gave winwood's book "Martyrdom of man",  to Dr Watson.
3) Mary received a large and lustrous through to the post.

4) Mary's father was an officer in an Indian Regiment.
5 ) Mary Morstan was a well-dressed young lady

correct sequence
 A=5  Mary Morstan was a well-dressed young lady
B=4  Mary's father was an officer in an Indian Regiment.
C=3  Mary received a large and lustrous through to the post.
D=2 Holmes gave winwood's book
E=1  Holmes put a revolver in his pocket.

2) Discuss the importance of the following statements from the light of the extract
A) The trio Holmes,Dr Watson and Mary decide to visit lyceum theatre
 Meri takes the help of Sherlock Holmes in the case of herself,someone has been sending pearls to her for the past 6 years but this year she received a letter requesting her to come at the lyceum theatre to meet, the letter had a warning for her in which she should not to inform the police so in this matter Mary had a mixed feeling about the meeting. She takes the help of detective Holmes and Watson instead of to call the police this decision taken by her remains the main plot of the novel and also leading to the unveiling of the mystery of the letter .
B) Mary received Falls every year on the same day
Mary's father had disappeared from the hotel 10 years ago. There was an advertisement asking about her address latter on she takes an advice of her employer and gave the address, after that she used to receive   large pearls every year. These  pearls are the Mary's mysterious case for Holmes. This is an important statement as it highlighting the person who is trying to do something to Mary.

C) Holmes carefully examined the paper given by Mary.
According to Mary the content of the paper was hard to understand. She thought that it will be useful in the case as she kept it carefully. Holmes agreed that the case was complicated though  it seems simple. The paper was about the place where Jonathan small hide the treasure. It is the first time where the location of the Treasure known to us. This paper is the proof that shows the existence of a Treasure and the story of  Jonathan Small upon his arrest, it also highlights the four criminals mentioned in the title, "The sign of four "at the end Holmes minute detection once again solve the mystery of the case. 

2) Write four to five sentences about the meeting of Mary Morston with Holmes
 Ans=Both  Marston and Holmes meet first time when Mary brings a case about her father's disappearance before 10 years and also about pearls and the latter by an anonymous sender. In this meeting she told him  that the sender  of the letter wants to meet her. As she feels something wrong about it so she request Holmes to come with her, Both Holmes and Watson agreed  to go with Mary at lyceum theatre to meet that anonymous person.

3) Write the Central idea of the novel," the sign of four ". Of the given extract
 I think justice is the central idea of the novel which dominates the extract.All major events are related to the letter received by Mary, the same person who had sent her pearls now sent her a letter which forced her to take help of Holmes and Watson.

4) Give reasons (text book Page no 217)
 Statement a) Miss Morston plans to Meet Sherlock Holmes
Reason = The person who had sent Mary 6 pearls, now sent her a letter which forced her to take help of the detective Holmes.. As the latter warned her not to call the police but allows to bring her friends
 B)Mary gives the reference of Mr cecil Forrester
reason =Mrs cecil is an employer of Mary. Holmes skillful detection impressed  Cecil, when she told her domestic problem, Mary heard about Holmes through Cecil forrester. 

C) it's a singular case
 Reason= Mary's father disappeared 10 years ago but now she had a letter which asked her to meet at the theatre, there was no hints about her father, only his friend in London, major sholto who didn't know about captain morstan this creates absurdness about  disappearance of captain  so he referred   it is a singular case.

D) Holmes needed some references
 Reason =Holmes heard the story of Mary so that decides to meet that anonymous sender in the evening.Holmes wanted to get some more information about the case so he looked for the old records to find more details about the incident.
E) Miss morsten received a pearl every year
=Reason= Holmes finds out that mary received 6 pearls as a compensation after major sholto's death , Holmes thought that sholto had done something wrong about Mary and her father.

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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

