Type and Search from This Blog टाईप करून शोधा



Look at the following, spot the errors and correct them.

1. He speak the English.

Answer: He speaks English.

2. Anderson went to abroad.

Answer: Anderson went abroad.

3. Though she is weak but she is active.

Answer: Though she is weak, she is active.

4. One of the employee has got the award.

Answer: One of the employees has got the award.

5. Children prefer mobile games than story books.

Answer:: Children prefer mobile games to story books.

6. Though she is ill, but she attends the class.

Answer:: Though she is ill, she attends the class.

7. The manager with all the employees are present.

Answer: The manager with all the employees is present.

8. If he had contacted me, I would help him.

Answer: If he had contacted me, I would have helped him.

9. His father gave me a lot of advices.

Answer: His father gave me a lot of advice.

10. If I was a bird, I would fly.

Answer: If I were a bird, I would fly.

11. She is my cousin sister.

Answer: She is my cousin.

12. No one know the answer.

Answer: No one knew the answer.

13. Rosy is best student in our college.

Answer:: Rosy is the best student in our college.

14. A group of twelfth students are travelling together...

Answer:: A group of twelve students is travelling together..

15. He goes to school by feet..

Answer: He goes to school on feet.

16. Sun rises in the east.

Answer: The Sun rises in the east.

17. I am a doctor, isn't I?

Answer:: I am a doctor, aren't I?.

18. Neither Sachin nor Dravid are playing cricket.

Answer:: Neither Sachin nor Dravid is playing cricket.

19. The luggages are very heavy.

Answer:: The luggages is very heavy.

20. Tom admitted that he was in fault.

Answer:: Tom admitted that he was at fault.

21. He gave away smoking.

Answer:: He gave up smoking.

22. They reached London in train.

Answer: They reached London by train.

23. Cow is a useful animal.

Answer: The cow is a useful animal.

24. We are unable to identify the error.

Answer: We are unable to locate the error.

25. He is a man of letter.

Answer: He is a man of letters.

26. Please have your meals here.

Answer:: Please have your meal here.

27. Variety is spice fo life.

Answer: : Variety is the spice of life.

28. Mark was elected as a captain of the team.

Answer:: Mark was elected as captain of the team.

29. Both civilians and army men joined I world war.

Answer:: Both civilians and army men joined the First World War.


 Click here for Rhetorical question  👇


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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

