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3-1) Summary सारंश लेखन


Summary Writing


            ‘Brevity {संक्षेप}  is the soul of wit’ is one of the countless maxims coined(तयार )     by William  Shakespeare. It is relevant to speaking as well as writing. Brevity or Concision is  the cutting out of unnecessary words while conveying an idea. It aims to enhance communication by eliminating (दूर करणे ) redundancy without omitting important information. Summary Writing is one of its kind that has been described as one of the elementary principles of writing. To speak what is required and to write what is necessary is are quisite towards the development of language skills. It is important to be brief in written expression. To express in brief the main points of a written record, is the summary writing skill and that can be developed by practice. Summarising has a definite purpose. The purpose of a summary is to give the reader a clear, objective picture of the original text. Most importantly, the summary restates(स्पष्ट)  only the main points of a text or a lecture without giving examples or details, such as dates, numbers or statistics.

            DO's of Summary Writing 

  1. • Read and re-read the passage.
  2. • Understand.
  3. • Read the instructions.
  4. • Find exactly what you need to summarise.
  5. • Identify the main idea through the process of asking questions.
  6. • Form short sentences on your own.
  7. • Connect the sentences using linkers.
  8. • Remove redundant(अनावश्यक) words and sentences from the key sentences.
  9. • Omit details.
  10. • Avoid your own interpretation.


          DON’Ts of Summary Writing



         As an example let us take an article for summary.

    Learning Disability (LD) is an umbrella term for a wide variety of learning problems. Children with learning disorder might be labelled as ‘slow learners’ but they are as  smart as everyone else. They just need to be taught in proper environment conducive to their learning speed and level. Observations of a child over a period of time by parents  at home and teachers in school can provide valuable information about the way a child is able to learn and function in all the ways that he should be able to, at his age and level.

     There may be certain apparent (स्पष्ट) problems while reading, writing, listening, speaking, reasoning and dealing with Maths. Once these problems are identified it is time for proper investigation. It is important in order to clarify specific learning disorders and  also rule out any other issue affecting the student’s educational progress.  Investigations may reveal various types of disorders like Dyslexia(वाचन,लेखन बाबत), Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, specific reading disability, Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), ADHD  etc. Auditory Processing Disorder, also known as ‘Central Auditory Processing Disorder’, is a condition that affects the sound that travels unimpeded (अबाधित) through the ear, is processed or interpreted by the brain. Individuals with APD do not recognize subtle differences between sounds and words.

        Dyscalculia is a condition that affects a person’s ability to understand numbers and learn math-signs and symbols while Dysgraphia affects a person’s handwriting abilities and fine motor skills. Dyslexia is a learning disorder affecting reading and language-based processing skills like reading fluency, decoding, recall, writing and sometimes even speech. 

Many aspects of speaking, listening, reading, writing, and arithmetic overlap and build on the same brain capabilities. It is not surprising that people can be diagnosed with more than one learning disability. For example, the ability to understand language underlies learning to speak. 

Therefore, any disorder that hinders the ability to understand language will also interfere with the development of speech, which in turn hinders learning to read and write. ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) includes difficulty in staying focused and paying attention, restlessness and difficulty in controlling behaviour.

        There are many other learning disabilities that can be identified in

 the normal classrooms at school level. Such problems can be solved to a great extent using various methods and treatments if diagnosed at an early stage. Inclusion in education is one of the ways to solve the problem of children with learning disorder. In a mixed ability classroom, with effective teaching methods and conducive(हितकारक) environment ,a child with learning disability can progress in not only education but also social interactions. Implementation of inclusive classrooms may vary but the purpose will be achieved.

        Unfortunately, our country is less open to Inclusive Learning for Children with LD. Unless handled efficiently, these disorders often transform to condition like anxiety (चिंता) and depression. Parents, teachers, educators and other stakeholders must insist on the need to uplift children with LD. These children need to be handled carefully in their own space. They need love, encouragement and moral support so that they can emerge with great self-confidence, self-worth and determination.

        Use the following steps for Summary Writing.

Step 1: Read the article twice.

Step 2: Ask questions about the purpose of writing.

Step 3: Identify the main idea.

Step 4: Write the first draft.

Step 5: Revise your first draft and edit it.

Step 6: Write the final draft.



(A2) (i) Cut redundant (अनावश्यक ) words :

    We’re often inefficient in our language, using more words than necessary.

   Consider the following phrases. Find five more redundant words.

(a)  “Circle around” can become “circle.”

(b)   “Write down” can become “write.”

(c) “Added bonus” is simply a “bonus.”

(d) “Get to the point as quickly as possible” is really “get to the point.”

(e) “Close proximity” is “close.”

(f) “During the course of” is “during.”

            (ii) Avoid adverbs :

Adverbs clutter up (गोंधळ) your copy. 

 You can usually live without them. Here are some examples. 

Just delete all those italicized words and rewrite

 (a) “That’s usually a good thing to do.”

 “That’s  a good thing to do.”

(b) “That’s fairly good coffee.”

“That’s  good coffee.”

(c) “I totally agree.”

  “I  agree.”

(d) “Actually, I disagree.”

 I disagree.

 (iii) One word substitution :

One word substitutes are words that replace a group of words or a full sentence effectively without creating any ambiguity (संधिघ्तता )  in the meaning of the sentences.

     (a) The life story of man written by himself:     autobiography

(b) A sound that cannot be heard:      inaudible

(c) A list of books :      catalogue

(d) A sentence whose meaning is unclear:     ambiguous

Find as many examples as you can from the internet and make a list.

(A3) (i) Use of noun in apposition :

         Apposition is a grammatical construction in which two elements, normally noun phrases, are placed side by side, with one element serving to identify the other in a different way; the two elements are said to be in apposition. Apposition can be used to make the compound sentences short and simple.

         Neha is their eldest child and she is very intelligent.

        Neha, their eldest child, is very intelligent. 

[Here, Neha and their eldest child are the same person.]


⭕️Useful Links for you ⭕️

Click on the given words for more details 


Rhetorical question 
Summary writing 
As soon as
Parts of speech 
Modal auxiliary 
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Forms of words 
Direct into indirect 

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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

