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Solved Grammar Examples इंग्रजी व्याकरण उदाहरणे

1) I had more marks on my face then Asha (change into positive degree)

=Asha didn't have as many marks on his face as I had.

2) it explains why she is alive today.(make it simple )

Ans= it explains the reason of his being alive today

3) Sharks are surprisingly timid (make it exclamatory)

answer= How timid Sharks are!

4) If you ever Run into danger,keep your head (make it simple)

 ans =In the event of your running into danger, keep your head.

 5) Swim towards the moonlight and you will reach land( make it Complex)

 Ans= If you swim towards the moonlight, you will reach land.

6) It is no uncommon thing. ( remove the negative)

Ans= It is a common thing.

7) What a narrow escape (make it assertive)

Ans= It was a very narrow escape.

8) Unless we had listened to you, we would have destroyed such a historical place. ( use if -not) answer= If we had not listened to you, we would have destroyed such a historical place.

9) How write you are doctor watson.! ( make it assertive )

Ans=You are quite right doctor Watson.

10) Be not disturbed at being misunderstood. ( make it Complex )

Answer =Be not disturbed if you are misunderstood.

11) no sooner could my wife speak then she suggested it. (Use- As soon as )

Ans= My wife suggested it as soon as  she could speak.

12) He was the most trusting person I had ever met (positive degree )

Answer =No other person I had ever met was as trusting as he was.

13) But her tears are significant. (make it negative)

 Answer =But her tears are not insignificant

14) Does a woman ever speak out the true Desire of her heart. ( make it negative )

Answer = A woman never speaks out the true Desire of her heart.

15) No sooner had I boarded on  the plane than a crash radio message was handed over to me (use as soon as)

=answer as soon as I boarded on the plane than a crash radio message was handed over to me.

16) she was very nice about it (make it exclamatory )

Answer =How nice he was about it!

17) she folded her hands and greeted him( make it simple)

 Answer =Folding  her hands, she greeted him.

18) Unless we are fair to other men the world cannot be fair to us( make it compound sentence )

Answer We must be fair to other men, or the world cannot be fair to us.

19) what a strange coincidence (change it into assertive sentence)

 Answer= It is a very strange coincidence.

20)  No sooner did the sea turn very rough then the danger of further navigational errors also grew.(use as soon as)

 Ans= As soon as the sea turned very rough, the danger of further navigational errors also grew.

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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

