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Grammar activities with expected answers 2.



1)  "Help me God"! she  cried, "I will never deny you."(Change into indirect narration /speech.)
 Ans.She called upon God to witness that she would never deny her. 
2) Raj said, "Good bye, friends.".(Change into indirect narration /speech.)
Ans. Raj said good bye to his friends. 
3)Radha said, "How I wish they would come!"(Change into indirect narration /speech.)
Ans.Radha exclaimed that she wished they would come.
4) "What a terrible storm it is!" he said.(Change into indirect narration /speech.)
 Ans.He exclaimed that it was a terrible storm.
 5)She said, "Hurrah! my friend has passed(Change into indirect narration /speech.)
Ans. She  exclaimed with delight that her friend had passed.      

6)They miss their trains on regular basis. (Use past continuous tense and rewrite)
Ans=They were missing their trains on regular basis.

7). He felt terrible about this tendency. (Make it rhetorical question)
Ans= Didn't he feel terrible about this tendency?
8). They have excuses ready when they reach office late. (Use ‘As soon as ‘and rewrite)
Ans= As soon as they have excuses ready, they reach office late.
9). When I saw the prizes I was stupefied. (Use ‘No sooner...than’ and rewrite)

Ans= No sooner did I see the prizes then I was stupefied.
10). She was still lagging behind the expected standard of learning, but it was okay. (Make it complex)
 Ans- Though she was still lagging behind the expected standard of learning,  it was okay.

11)He started developing an all-round interest in craft and sports. (Use infinitive form of the underlined word and rewrite)

Ans=He started to develop an all-round interest in craft and sports.

12). The duck was excellent in swimming. (Frame a ‘Wh question’ to get the underlined part as an answer.)
Ans=Who was excellent in swimming.?

13). The duck was better than his instructor. (Change it into positive degree)

Ans= His instructor was not as good as the duck.

14) I went down to my milk and junket. (Use past perfect tense)
Ans= I had gone down to my milk and junket.
15) The consumption of milk in both urban and rural area has risen sharply. (Use simple present tense and rewrite)
Ans=The consumption of milk in both urban and rural area  rise sharply.

16) He sent a personalized letter offering each couple a free two-week subscription. (Rewrite using infinitive form of the underlined word)
Ans=He sent a personalized letter to offer each couple a free two-week subscription.
17) Seeing a hungry market, Dell placed local advertisements. (Make it compound)
Ans= Dell saw hungry market and placed local advertisement.
18) The improved models found eager buyers. (Change it into present perfect tense)
Ans=The improved models has found eager buyers.
19)My little girl can get tasty fruits from some other garden too! (Rewrite using another modal auxiliary showing certainty)
Ans=My little girl will get tasty fruits from some other garden too! 
20) I had picked some of the lovely tasty fruits. (Identify the tense)
Ans=Past perfect tense.
21) It was a pleasure walking around there. (Use infinitive and rewrite)
Ans=It was a pleasure to walk around there. 
22). Hundreds of these little birds would land on the paddy. (Rewrite using ‘Used to’)
Ans=Hundreds of these little birds used to land on the paddy.
23)My main hobby was to wander through paddy fields. (Rewrite using gerund form of the underlined word.)
My  main hobby  was wandering through paddy fields.
24). When the paddy is ripe enough to harvest, flock of parrots would land there. (Rewrite using ‘No sooner...than’)
Ans=No sooner is the paddy  ripe enough to harvest than flock of parrots would land there.
25)His speech improved and expression became clearer. (REWRITE USING ‘Not only....but also’)
Ans=His not only speech improved but also expression became clearer.
26. I could talk about Chaitanya’s problem calmly. (Rewrite using ‘be able to’)
Ans= . I was able to talk about Chaitanya’s problem calmly.
27. He was still lagging behind the expected standard of learning, but it was okay. (Use
 Though....’ and rewrite)
Ans =Though he was still lagging behind the expected standard of learning,  it was okay. 
28. He had to stay after school. (Use modal auxiliary showing compulsion and rewrite)
Ans=He must stay after school.
29. The squirrel was excellent in climbing. (Add a question tag)
Ans=The squirrel was excellent in climbing, wasn't it?
30). The duck was better in swimming. Make it Rhetorical question )
Ans= Wasn't the duck better in swimming?

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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

