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अलंकार Figure of speech 2-1)Song of The Open Road

 Figure of speech= 2-1) Song Of The Open Road 

 1)Song of the Open Road

 Metaphor= the road is indirectly compared with life so the figure of speech is metaphor 

 2) foot and light hearted I take to the Open Road.

Inversion = In the above line the words are not in a correct prose order the correct order is, ' it take to the Open Road of food and light-hearted'.

3) the long brown path before me leading wherever I choose

Alliteration= in this line the sound " b " is repeated so the figure of speech is alliteration

4) henceforth I ask not good fortune I myself am good fortune

 Repetition =  in this line the word " good fortune " is repeated for poetic purpose.

5) Querulous criticism.

 In this line the sound " K" is repeated to give musical quality to the poem  so the figure of speech is alliteration

6) still here I carry my old delicious burdens in Paradox = In this line burdens are described as delicious and it is unbelievable statement so the figure of speech is Paradox

7) still here I carry my old delicious burdens

Transferred epithet= In this line the epithet that is adjective" delicious " is transferred from food to burdens, so the figure of speech is transferred epithet

8)  done with indoor complaints , libraries querulous criticism

Climax=in this line the words or ideas are arranged in ascending order of importance

9) still here I carry my old delicious burdens

 Metaphor = in this line old sweet memories are implicitly or indirectly compared with something  delicious.

10) The song of the Open Road

personification = In this line the figure of speech is personification non living object ROAD  IS shown as singing a song. The road is personified in this line.

11) A foot and light hearted I take to the Open Road

 Inversion= The words are not in a proper order it should be like, " I take to the Open Road a foot and light hearted. "

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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

