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Unseen extract 1 पुस्तकाबाहेरील उतारा

Unseen extract no 1

Read the following extract and complete the activities given below :

    It is true that progress in knowledge has led to the development of science and technology which in tum, profoundly altered our environment. For example, fertilizers and insecticides. However both give rise to pollution. Each one in the modem world has accumulated in our bodies a few milligrams of D.D.T. which is organo-chlorine, a type of insecticide. The D.D.T. level in fish is rising and already some fish eating birds are becoming sterile. Fertilizers used in farmlands are washed away by rain into rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

The heavy intake content in fertilizers leads to wild growth of vegetation in them, which in turn de-oxygenizes the water and as a result, all the frsh is lost. Massive industrialization too has led to serious pollution of the environment. Millions of tons of smoke, sulphur gas, ash and unknown quantities of toxic by-products are sent up everyday all over the world and we simply do not know if our chemical environment is slowly poisoning us all. What is even worse, the increase in the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere from burning oil and coal may, in time, prevent the escape of the sun's heat from the earth. Leading to a rise in the earth's temperature, the melting of ice - caps, and arise in the level of the ocean.

The sea has become a cheap dumping ground for all kinds of waste products. Although the sea has a great capacity to break down all kinds of waste, this capacity is not unlimited, especially in shallows seas. Industrial effluent gets washed out to sea, for industries tend to concentrate to coastal areas in order to be able to dispose of unwanted waste cheaply. Atomic wastes as well as poison gases are dumped in the sea by industrial and military authorities.

It would be foolish to shut our eyes to the dangers of the pollution that human beings cause. It is true that more and more power have become aware of the dangers of pollution.

Rivers are being gradually restored to health : International organizations are trying to keep the seas campaigns are being organised against cutting down trees. Public opinion is gradually being aroused to concern and if all of us become concerned about our environment, we shall be able to keep the earth habitable for future generations. 

Al) Read the following sentences and write down whether they are true or False.

i) Excessive industrialization has led to serious pollution at the environment.

ii) Progress in knowledge has led to the development at science and technolog

 but has kept environment intact.

iii) Now a days more and more people have become unaware at the dangers of pollution.

iv) Sea has great capacity to break down all kinds at waste down but this capacity is limited.

A2) Find out from the extract how people have become aware at the dangers of pollution and the measures that they are taking to control it.

,A.3] Explain the relation between the progress in knowledge development of science and deeply changed environment.

A4) 'It would be foolish to shut our eyes to the danger at the pollution that human being cause,' Describe at least two steps that you would take to protect environment.

A5l Language study :

i) Although the sea had a great, capacity to break down all kinds of waste, this capacity is not unlimited ( Use 'but' and rewrite the sentence )

ii) Fertilizers and insecticides have increased agricultural output.

( Rewrite your answer beginning with " Agricultural output - - - -)

A6l Give the synonym word of the following words.

i) Toxic ii) campaign iii) Effluent iv) profoundly

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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

