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Preliminary exam 1सराव परीक्षा

Rehearsal Exam - 1 (2021 - 22)
Std - Xll Sub — English
Pages 6 Time : 3 Hrs
Marks : 80 Marks

Section — I Prose
( Reading for Comprehension. Language, study, summary, mind-mapping )
Q.l A Read the given extract and complete the activities given below . 12marks
Al) Find out the following sentences / statements as true or False. 2marks
I) Discourtesy is a legal offence.
2) No legal system could attempt to legislate against bad manners.
3) There is allowance for moral and intellectual damages.
4) The lift-man demanded " Top-Please.'
            The young lift- man in a City office who threw a passenger out of his lift the other morning and was fined for the offence was undoubtedly in the wrong. It was a question of "Please." The complainant entering the lift, said, "Top. " The lift-man demanded " Top please, and this concession being refused he not only declined to comply with the instruction, but hurled the passenger out of the lift. This, of course was carrying a comment on manner too far. Discourtesy is not a legal offence, and it does not excuse assault and battery. If a burglar breaks into my house and I knock him down, the law will acquit me, and if I am physically assaulted, it will permit me to retaliate with reasonable violence. It does this because the burglar and my assailant have broken quite definite commands of the law. But no legal system could attempt to legislate against bad manners, or could sanction the use of violence against bad manners, or could sanction the use of violence against something which it does not itself recognize as a legally punishable offence. And our sympathy with the liftman, we must admit that the law is reasonable. It would never do if we were at liberty to box people's ears because we did not like their behaviour, or the tone of their voices, or the scowl on their faces. Our fists would never be idle, and the gutters of the city would run with blood all day.
           I may be as uncivil as I may please and the law will protect me against violent retaliation. I may be haughty or boorish and there is no penalty to pay except the penalty of being written down an ill-mannered fellow.

A2) Complete the following sentences/ statement 2marks
1) We must admit that
2) The law will protect me against
3) There is no penalty to pay except .
4) It will permit me to . .

A3) Give reason :.       2marks
The young lift-man threw a passenger out of his lift because - - - - - - -
A4) Personal response :
Express your views about the importance of social manners. 2marks
AS) Language Study :
l) The law will protect me against violent retaliation 2marks
(Choose the correct sentence of future Continuous Tense from the given sentences )
i) The law had protected me against violent retaliation.
ii) The law will be protecting me against violent retaliation.

iii) The law is protecting me against violent retaliation.
iv) The law will have protected me against violent retaliation.
2) It was a question of "Please" ( Add a question tag)
A6) Vocabulary      2marks
Give one word for the following from the passage
i) lack at courtesy
ii) Make a law or laws
iii) Having a high opinion of one self.
iv) A cut or tear
Q.l B) Grammar (Non-Textual) 3marks
I) Do as directed
i) He was - - - - clever boy but he could not even solve all -- - - questions.
( Fill in the blanks with suitable articles and rewrite the sentence )
ii) The wild life need to be protested.
( Use another modal auxiliary showing obligation )
iii) I hate waiting at the crowded railway station.
( Rewrite using the infinitive form the underline word )
B2) Spot the error and rewrite the sentence


 1) There is not any substitute for hard work.

Q.2 A) Read the following extract and complete the activities given below : 12marks
It is true that progress in knowledge has led to the development of science and technology which in turn, profoundly altered our environment. For example, fertilizers and insecticides. However both give rise to pollution. Each one in the modern world has accumulated in our bodies a few milligrams of D.D.T. which is organo-chlorine, a type of insecticide. The D.D.T. level in fish is rising and already some fish eating birds are becoming sterile. Fertilizers used in farrnlands are washed away by rain into rivers, lakes and reservoirs. The heavy intake content in fertilizers leads to wild growth of vegetation in them, which in turn de-oxygenizes the water and as a result, all the fish is lost. Massive industrialization too has led to serious pollution of the environment. Millions of tons of smoke, sulphur gas, ash and unknown quantities of toxic by-products are sent up everyday all over the world and we simply do not know if our chemical environment is slowly poisoning us all. What is even worse, the increase in the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere from burning oil and coal may, in time, prevent the escape of the sun's heat from the earth. Leading to a rise in the earth's temperature, the melting of ice — caps, and arise in the level of the ocean.
The sea has become a cheap dumping ground for all kinds of waste products. Although the sea has a great capacity to break down all kinds of waste, this capacity is not unlimited, especially in shallows seas. Industrial effluent gets washed out to sea, for industries tend to concentrate to coastal areas in order to be able to dispose of unwanted waste cheaply. Atomic wastes as well as poison gases are dumped in the sea by industrial and military authorities.
It would be foolish to shut our eyes to the dangers of the pollution that human beings cause. It is true that more and more power have become aware of the dangers of pollution. Rivers are being gradually restored to health : International organizations are trying to keep the seas campaigns are being organised against cutting down trees. Public opinion is gradually being aroused to concern and if all of us become concerned about our environment, we shall be able to keep the earth habitable for future generations.
Al) Read the following sentences and write down whether they are true or False. 2
i) Excessive industrialization has led to serious pollution at the environment.
ii) Progress in knowledge has led to the development at science and technology but has kept environment intact.
iii) Now a days more and more people have become unaware at the dangers of pollution.
iv) Sea has great capacity to break down all kinds at waste down but this capacity is limited.
A2) Find out from the extract how people have become aware at the dangers of pollution
and the measures that they are taking to control it.
A3] Explain the relation between the progress in knowledge development of science and deeply changed environment.
A4) 'It would be foolish to shut our eyes to the danger at the pollution that human being cause,' Describe at least two steps that you would take to protect environment.

A5] Language study : 2marks
i) Although the sea had a great, capacity to break down all kinds of waste, this capacity is not unlimited ( Use 'but' and rewrite the sentence )
ii) Fertilizers and insecticides have increased agricultural output.
( Rewrite your answer beginning with " Agricultural output - - -

A6 Give the synonym word of the following words. 2marks
i) Toxic ii) campaign iii) Effluent iv) profoundly

B] Write a summary of the above extract with the help of the given clues and suggest a suitable 3marks
title. [ Increasing environmental pollution - - - pollution result at - - - - - - contamination of things survival problems - - - - - - - need to control - - - including humans all in danger - - - public opinion. ]
C] Mind Mapping 3marks
Develop a ' Mind Mapping ' ' Frame / design on 'English Subject'
You may use the following points. Prose, Poetry, Writing Skill, Novel.

Section Il [ Poetry and Appreciation I
Q.3 A) Read the extract and complete all the activities given below 10 marks

Canst hear' , said one, 'the breakers roar? For methinks we should be near the shore. ' 'Now where we are I cannot tell,
But I wish I could hear the Inchape Bell.'
They hear no sound, the swell is strong;
Though the wind hath fallen they drift along, Till the vessels strikes with a shivering shock,'O Christ! it is the Inchcape Rock!'
Sir Ralph the Rover tore his hair;
He curst himself in his despair;
The waves rush in every side,
The ship is sinking beneath the tide.
But even in his dying fear
One dreadful sound could the Rover hear,
A sound as if with the Inchcape Bell,
The Devil below was ringing his knelle

Al) Global Understanding. 2marks
State whether the following statements are true or False.
i) The vessel strikes on the Inchcape rock.
ii) The sailors hear the Inchcape bell.
iii) The sailor curst himself in despair.
iv) Sir Ralf was having dying fear.

A21 Explain :
Explain the meaning of the line 2marks
The Devil below was ringing his knell.'
A31 Personal Response: 2marks
If you dig a hole for others, You are sure to fall in it yourself.' ' Give your opinion on this Proverb.
A41 Poetic Devices.' 2marks
A sound as if with the Inchape bell,
The devil below was ringing his knell.
( Name the figure of speech in the last two lines at the extract and explain it
A5] Poetic Creativity 2marks
Compose four line on "Sea".
Q.3 B] Read the given extract and write the appreciation with the help of the following points. 4marks
  • My father travels on the late evening standing among silent commuters in the yellow light.
  • Suburbs slide past his unseeing eyes. His shirt and pants are soggy and his black raincoat.
  • Is falling apart. His eyes dimmed by age.
  • Fade homeward through the humid monsoon night.
  • Now I can see him getting off the train.
  • Like a word dropped from a long sentence.
  • He hurries across the length of the grey platform.
  • Crosses the railway line, enters the lane,
  • His chappals are sticky with mud, but he hurries onward.
  1. l) About the title
  2. 2) Poetic device
  3. 3) Theme
  4. 4) Message of the poem.

Section Ill ( Writing Skill )
Q.4 Complete the activities as per the instructions given below. 16marks
Al Attempt any one of the following. 4marks
1) Drafting Virtual Message
Read the given conversation between Aashna and Mr. Singh.
  Aashna Hello, may I speak to Ranjit, please?
Mr Singh Ranjit is getting ready for school. May I know who is speaking?
Aashna My name is Aashna. I am Ranjit's classmate.
Mr. Singh : Hello, Aashna. I am Ranjit's father. Is there any message?
Aashna Yes, please ask him to bring his biology notebook to school today. I was
absent from school due to illness. I would like to see the notes which our biology teacher gave to the class during my absence.
Mr. Singh I will definitely do that.
Since Mr. Singh had to go for his morning walk he left a message for Ranjit

Draft the
Message based on the above conversation in about 50 words.

  2) Statement of Purpose.
Read the personal details given below and prepare a suitable statement of purpose.
Film and Television Institute of India is one of the leading institutes of India for the study of acting. You belong to a family of drama actor and would like to pursue your career in acting related music field. Your hobbies mimicry and wrapping. You have won many prizes at school and college level at the hands ofwell-kno»m personalities. You would like to work as a voice over actor. Prepare statement of purpose on it.
3) Group Discussion
A boy whose parents are working at a construction site, but are doing no compromise in giving education to their son. The boy is also studious and hardworking and this year he has secured 90% in SSC Board examination. But now as his Financial Condition is not enough sound he is thinking to discontinue his education and work with his parents. He needs monetary help for further education. Have a group discussion amongst your friends to seek solution to help him. Write five views in the form of a dialogue.

Q.4.B] Attempt anyone of the following 4 marks

1) Email Writing :
Write an email to your younger brother congratulating him on his success as the 'Man of the series' in the district level cricket championship.

2) Report Writing
Imagine you have visited a historic fort in the Sahyadri ranges at Maharashtra. You have visited the fort with an intention to know our heritage and history. You were also eager to know the biodiversity in the area of the fort. The visit was exciting one. Write a report of the visit to be published in your college magazine / in a local newspaper.

3) Interview
Frame 8 to 10 questions to interview a well-known writer. You may use the following points.
1) Inspiration 2) Obstacles Faced
3) Future Plans 4) Message for others

Q.4.C) Attempt anyone of the following 4marks
1) Speech Writing

Prepare a speech on the occasions at " Aids Awarness day

2) Compering
Imagine that you are a compare at a "Prize Distribution Ceremony" of your college. Write a script at the same. ( Write in 100 words)
Use Following points
1) Introduction 2) Lighting the lamp 3) Welcome song 4) Introductory speech
5) Felicitation 6) Main event 7) Speech at the guest 8) Vote of thanks

3) Expansion of Idea :
Expand the idea inherent in the following " Books are our real Friends."

Q.4.Dl Attempt any one of the following. 4marks

 Il Film Review :
Write a review at an educational Film that you have seen recently write your review based on the following points.
1) Characters 2) About the theme
3) Reason to like or not like the Film 4) Special features / novel ideas.
5) Would you recommend to watch.

2) Blog writing :
Write a blog in a proper format on "Social Distancing, Need of Time" since corona outbreak has spread the whole we need to follow it strictly. Use following points. Outbreak of disease.

Overcrowded cities and public places We are social by nature The spread of disease.
Need of social distancing is only solution

 3) Appeal :
The whole world is suffering from Covid — 19. In such a situation everyone need to take care. Hence, prepare an appeal to make the people in your locality aware of self-health and social behaviour during Corona pandemic. You may take the help of the following points.

Section IV : [ Literary Genre [ Novel ]

Q.5.A1 Do the following as per the instructions : 4marks
1) Fill in the blanks by choosing alternative 

i) Geoffrey Chaucer wrote - - - -
(Morte De Arthur, The Canterbury Tales, Tale of Genji ).
ii) The Tale of Genji by Muraski Shikabu was published in the year - ( 1010, 1605, 1050, 1600 ) iii) 'The Pilgrims Progress' is a novel written by - - -
( John Bunyan, Aphra Behn, Daniel Defoe) iv) Joseph Conrad wrote the novella named as - ( Billy Budd, The Heart of Darkness, Pearl)
2] Match essential elements of the novel in Column 'A' with relevant points in Column 'B' 2
1) Picarresque Novel a) bears more than one layers of meaning
2) Historical Novel b) Speculative fiction
3) Allegorical Novel c) adventures of an eccentric protagonist
4) Utopian Novel d) set in an earlier period than of the writing

Q. 5.Bl Answer in about 50 words to the questions given below : 4 l) The extract presents the narrator as a silent observer of the events. Explain 2
2) FernMan was innovative and dramatic in his presentation. Illustrate 2marks

Q.5 C) Write the answers of the following questions in about 50 words 4marks
l) Give a brief character sketch of Passepartout based on the extract given to your study from the novel ' Around the world in 80 Days'. 2marks
2) Write 4 to 5 sentences on the Morality' theme of the extract given to your study from 
the novel ' Around the world in 80 Days'.
Answer the following questions : 4marks
1) Write a short character sketch of Miss Morstan from the given extract of the novel 
Sign of Four. '
2) Write a short character sketch of ' Thaudeus Sholto' from the novel 'Sign of Four. ' 2

⭕️Useful Links for you ⭕️

Click on the given words for more details 


Rhetorical question 
Summary writing 
As soon as
Parts of speech 
Modal auxiliary 
Question tag
Solved grammar
Forms of words 
Direct into indirect 

⭕️⭕️12th Class⭕️⭕️

Mind mapping

Astrologer's day

On saying please

The cop and the anthem

Big data big sights

The new dress

Into the wild

Why we travel

Voyaging towards excellence

Song of the open road

Indian weavers

Have you earned your tomorrow

Father returning home


She walks in beauty

Small towns and rivers


Mind mapping

Note making

Statement of purpose

Drafting virtual message

Group discussion

History of novel

To sir with love

Around the world in 80days

The sign of four

🌑 11th Class 🌑

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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

