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इंचकॅप दगड प्रश्न कृती The Inchcape rock. Activity 1

The Inchcape rock. Activity 1

 Read the extract and complete all the activities given below 

 'Canst hear' , said one, 'the breakers roar?

  For methinks we should be near the shore. 

' 'Now where we are I cannot tell,

But I wish I could hear the Inchape Bell.'

They hear no sound, the swell is strong; 

Though the wind hath fallen they drift along,

 Till the vessels strikes with a shivering shock,

'O Christ! it is the Inchcape Rock!'

Sir Ralph the Rover tore his hair;

He curst himself in his despair;

The waves rush in every side,

The ship is sinking beneath the tide.

But even in his dying fear

One dreadful sound could the Rover hear,

A sound as if with the Inchcape Bell,

The Devil below was ringing his knell

Al) Global Understanding.  
 State whether the following statements are true or False.
 i) The vessel strikes on the Inchcape rock. 
ii) The sailors hear the Inchcape bell.
 iii) The sailor curst himself in despair.
 iv) Sir Ralf was having dying fear.
A2 Explain :
Explain the meaning of the line
 The Devil below was ringing his knell.'

A3 Personal Response: If you dig a hole for others,

 You are sure to fall in it yourself.'

 ' Give your opinion on this Proverb.

A4  Poetic Devices.'

A sound as if with the Inchcape bell, 
The devil below was ringing his knell.
( Name the figure of speech in the last two lines at the extract and explain it]

A5  Poetic Creativity

 Compose four line on "Sea".

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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

