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2-5) Nose versus eyes नाकाविरुद्ध डोळे

Activities on  Nose verses Eyes 

A 1. True or False : 

Rewrite the following statements and write whether they are true or false. 

i) There was a strange contest between Nose and Ear. 

ii) The point in dispute was the ownership of the spectacles. 

iii) Tongue played the role of the lawyer. 

iv) Ear was in position of the judge.

A 2. Find out : 

Find out the two evidences in favor of Nose’s ownership of the spectacles from the extract.

A 3. Personal Response : 

Express your view on whom the spectacles should belong to, eyes or nose. 

A 4. Poetic Devices : 

Name and explain the figure speech in the following line:

‘Between Nose and Eyes a strange contest arose’ 

A 5. Poetic Creativity : 

Complete the following poetic lines using the five sensory lines.

What makes man wise? 

Smells through …………. and looks through ………. 

Listens through ………. and touches with ………. 

Tastes with ……….. which is always keen.


• Complete the web with the help of adjectives used to describe eyes 

and nose in all respects. Two are done for you.







• (i) Given below are some words from legal terminology used in court 

affairs. Discuss and complete the table accordingly.

Sr. No Legal



1. Affidavit A written statement confirmed by oath or 

affirmation for use as evidence in court.

2. Argument

3. Consent

4. Counsel

5. Judgement

6. Trial

7. Verdict

8. Contempt of Court

9. Notice

10 Stay order

(ii) Name the five sensory organs and provide phrases/idioms/proverbs 

related to them. (One is given for you.)

 (a) to turn a deaf ear 





Wiliiam Cowper was one of the most popular 18th century English poets and composers of hymns. His poems deal with Nature and everyday life. He is aptly described by Samuel T. Coleridge as the ‘Best Modern Poet’ of his times. Though he studied jurisprudence, he later admitted that he was ‘not much inclined’ to the legal profession. He wrote “Happy is the one who knows just as much of the law to make himself as a little merry now and then with the solemnity of the juridical proceedings”. 

Nose versus Eyes is a satire on the judiciary system. It also mocks at the stone blind justice in a humorous manner emphasising upon the lack of empathy and common sense.

Give reason for the dispute between nose and the eyes.

Nose versus Eyes

Between Nose and Eyes a strange contest arose, -

The spectacles set them unhappily wrong;

The point in dispute was, as all the world knows,

To which the said spectacles ought to belong. 

So Tongue was the lawyer, and argued the cause

With great deal of skill, and a wig full of learning; 

While Chief Baron Ear sat to balance the laws,

So famed for his talent in nicely discerning.

'In behalf of the Nose it will quickly appear,

And your lordship,' he said, 'will undoubtedly find, 

That the Nose has had spectacles always in wear, 

Which amounts to possession time out of mind.'

Then holding the spectacles up to the court,

'Your lordship observes they are made with a straddle

As wide as the ridge of the Nose is; in short,

Designed to sit close to it, just like a saddle.

'Again would your lordship a moment suppose, 

('Tis a case that has happened, and may be again) 

That the visage or countenance had not a Nose,

Pray who would, or who could, wear spectacles then?

'On the whole it appears, and my argument shows,

With a reasoning the court will never condemn,

That the spectacles plainly were made for the Nose,

And the Nose was as plainly intended for them.'

Then shifting his side, as a lawyer knows how,

He pleaded again in behalf of the Eyes:

But what were his arguments few people know,

For the court did not think they were equally wise,

So his lordship decreed with a grave solemn tone,

Decisive and clear, without one if or but-

That, whenever the Nose put his spectacles on,

By daylight or candlelight-Eyes should be shut!

-William Cowper


(A1) (i) State whether the following statements are true or false. Correct the 

false statements. 

(a) Nose can use spectacles.=False, Eyes can use spectacles.

 (b) Eyes have to be shut when the Nose wears / puts on the spectacles.True 

 (c) The Ear was appointed as a judge.True 

 (d) Eyes cannot use spectacles.True 

(ii) Discuss with your partner and match the following expressions given 

in column A with their interpretations in column 

1. While Chief Baron Ear sat to balance the laws=Ans .b) The responsibility of giving verdict rested on the shoulders of the hearing organ.

2. They are made with the straddle as wide as the ridge of the Nose is.=Ans.c) Spectacles are meant for none other than the nose.

3. That whenever the Nose put his Spectacles on, by daylight or candlelight Eyes should be shut=(a) Eyes are refrained from using spectacles.

4. So his lordship decreed with a grave solemn tone, decisive and clear, without one if or but.=Ans(d) The judge delivered a firm verdict without any doub

(A2) (i) The tongue justifies the possession of the spectacles on behalf of the nose. Pick up the expressions from the poem that argue in favour of the Nose and complete the following web diagram.

Arguments in favour of Nose

 Ans=1) The nose has had spectacles always in wear  2) They are made with a straddle as wide as the ridge of the Nose 3) The visage or countenance..... 

(ii) Comment on the following characters depicted in the poem, in a sentence or a phrase.

 On the Nose =nose claims ownership of spectacle, beneficiary of the verdict 

On the Eyes=honest, affected by blind justice 



(iii) “Lend thy ears to all but few thy tongue”…. is a famous quote by 

William Shakespeare. Justify.

Ans=1 )In behalf of the Nose it will quickly appear,

2)Between Nose and Eyes a strange contest arose,

(A4) (i) Justify the verdict delivered in the poem

 I can support my answer with the help of the following suitable arguments:




(ii) Compose two lines of your own on any sensory organ.

(iii) Imagine that you are a lawyer defending the case of the eyes in 

court. Present your counter statement in support of your client.

(A5) (i) Write the appreciation of the poem

(ii) Write the summary of the poem.

 (Both appreciation and the summary can be writen with the help of the 

points given in previous poems.)

(A6) Project:

 Read different stories about intelligent ministers of kings, whose 

judgements helped to bring about law and order in society. For 

example - Birbal, Tenalirama etc. Write 5 such stories in your 


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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

