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Question tag कसा करावा,Add a question Tag 1


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         It is extensive .

   QUESTION TAG-- It is extensive , isn’t it ?

Question tag म्हणजे आपले बोल /वाक्य दुसऱ्यांकडून रिपीट /वधवणे ,

यासाठी वाक्याच्या शेवटचा छोटासा प्रश्न   


1. दिलेले वाक्य  आहे तसे लिहिणे , नंतर  कोमा ( ,) देऊन question tagव शेवटी प्रश्नचिन्ह ( ?)

2. वाक्यातील सहायकारी क्रियापद( helping verb ) शोधून त्याचे नकारार्थी  / होकारार्थी रूप करणे

वाक्य होकारार्थी असेल तर Question tag नकारार्थी होतो .

 वाक्य नकारार्थी असेल तर Question tag होकारार्थी होतो

3. वाक्यात सहायकारी क्रियापद( helping verb ) नसेल तर

काळानुसार do / did does घ्यावे

Do साधा वर्तमान काळ प्रथम पुरुषी कर्ता साठी 

 did साधा भूतकाळ 

does साधा वर्तमान काळ तृतीय पुरुषी कर्ता साठी  )

contracted forms

helping verbs with not

negative contracted  forms

does not


do not


 did not


Will  not


would not


can not


 could not


must not


 shall not


 I am not


is not


are not




4. नामा एवजी  सर्व नाम घ्यावे

radhaladies ) - she sam(जेंट्स) - he , वस्तु, प्राणी साठी -it वापरतात )

1 . I had treated everything that came my way.

2 They have never seen a sunrise.

3.  Our urban planners have not understood the nature of modern city.

4. I receive  the shock of my life.

5. It is a dense amalgamation of people and building.

6. She didn’t smile radiantly .

7. She unwrapped it carefully.

8 .Bangalore will grow from 5.7 m to 8.5 m during the same period.

9 . It is extensive .

10. My competitors weren’t  developing products.

11. He delights to see the prosperity of his kingdom.

12. I became unconscious .

13 . . Mr. Pawar inspected the villages

14 . It needs to preserve and protect its heritage.



1 . I had treated everything that came my way, hadn’t I ?

2 They have never seen a sunrise , have they ?

3.  Our urban planners have not understood the nature of modern city, have they ?

4. I receive  the shock of my life ,don’t I ?

5. It is a dense amalgamation of people and building , isn’t  it ?

6. She didn’t smile radiantly , did she ?

7. She unwrapped it carefully , didn’t she ?

8 .Bangalore will grow from 5.7 m to 8.5 m during the same period , won’t it ?

9 . It is extensive , isn’t it ?

10. My competitors weren’t  developing products , were they ?

11. He delights to see the prosperity of his kingdom , doesn’t he ?

12. I became unconscious , didn’t I ?

13 . . Mr. Pawar inspected the villages , didn’t he ?

14 . It needs to preserve and protect its heritage , doesn’t it?


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Question tag
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Forms of words 
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⭕️⭕️12th Class⭕️⭕️

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🌑 11th Class 🌑

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First Unit Test 2021-22,Std-12

